For what it's worth, I'm still here!
The others pop in and out occassionally and make 'special guest appearances'. Haven't had a weather report from Julie in God knows how long. Must be busy with the 'frig or somethin'.
Good news with the upgrade! We'll see how we open. Pre-market looks up so far. If only this damn stock could find support each time in a higher range and stay there. And yet another satellite launch. You have to wonder why a company that is supposedly doomed to go belly-up in the future would keep investing moolah in space shots. It just doesn't compute.
Anyhoo...yes, the place here is like a ghost town. But I look for it to pick up especially if we get more upgrades and move in closer to Q4. If we can manage to start to nestle up towards the dollar range by then this place will be buzzin'.
Jeff in AZ aka mrmertz