First I have to say I agree with siriusrain, "Micheal Moore is a disgusting human being whose movies are filled with so much bull sh*#t and lies."
Second, MY GOD will you people ever start to think for yourselves, have you ever heard of "GOOGLE". Would you stop taking what is spoon feed to you and do your own research. Micheal Moore has show himself to be a blantant lier:
Wait for it ,,,,,wait for it,,,,,, watch what happens in the end of the interview when Micheal Moore is shown to have blatantly LIED.
Here is another video showing the FACTS and how Micheal Moore lies. Now it is kind of long but if you give a rats ass about the TRUTH IT SHOULD NOT MATTER. This is what you get with socialism.
Now after watching those two videos do you brainless twits still believe anything Micheal Moore has to say or puts in a movie.
For those that dont know when Canadain health care stats are compared to the United States stats, THEY USE THE UNITED STATES MEDICAID SYSTEM. Is Medicaid what you all want to be put on? Yea I did not think so. For you brainless twits thats MEDICAID not medicare.
Now as for Micheal Moore last film, HAS ANYONE BOTHERED TO ASK HOW HE GOT FINANCING FOR HIS FILM????????????????????? thats right because he used the CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM TO GET IT, you dumbasses.
HAS ANYONE EVER BOTHERED TO ASK WHAT Micheal Moore IS WORTH TODAY?????? Hooooooooo about 100 MILLION, you dumbasses.
Now for some truth. Are there problems with the capitalist system yes, there is noone that doesn't think so. Now ask yourselves do those problems out weigh the socialistic system? NO they dont. As in Cuba, the ones in the circle get the privileges and the ones not in that circle dont. The fact is that circle can never be broken into and is by far smaller.