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  1. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    12-10-2007, 06:01 PM #1

    Will Bubba's Terrestrial Fans Follow Him to Sirius?

    Maybe there could be some upside for this deal as Bubba's die hard fans might follow him to Sirius in the afternoons just like Sirius listeners follow him to Bubba raw. It will be interesting to see if there is a small spike in sales down in his area.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  2. TSavery is offline
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    12-10-2007, 08:06 PM #2

    I worry

    I worry that 12+ hour days will take a toll on Bubba and the crew. Those kinds of hours get REAL OLD REAL QUICK.

    Think about it. Bubba has to get uo at 4:00 to do his 6-10 show. He then has post show meetings for terrestrial and pre show meetings for his Sirius show. hen he is on the air from 3 till 7.

    Nights out on the town will be history, taking away some key content from the show, and thus he will become a slave to his profession.

    I take a dump on the terrestrial deal.

    I hope this all works, but IMO there will be a distinct diff. after about a month of this type of schedule.
    Tyler Savery
    Satellite Standard Founder