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I'm with you on all points. I did "take profit" today, and am taking a close look at SPXU (short ETF). I just don't see how this "masculine" bull rally can continue as it is. It's been amazing.
We all know that Big Ben is an endorsee of "buy and sell". Well in this bull rally, that cost me. I bought FOE at $2.50 and sold at $3.50. Did it again at somehthing like $6 and sold at $8. Today it trades at $9+. Did the same with FLTK, GE and a couple others. In retrospect, had I put a trailing stop loss on my shares, I may have had a 4 bagger on my hands with FOE. The lesson here is not to be one dimensional. There are a lot of ways to "take profit" without leaving money on the table. For a casual investor who has a job, using the trailing stop loss is a great way to manage things without making dozens of trades a day.