The headline reads like this
SIRI down on news of Oprah's new shows
The headline reads like this
SIRI down on news of Oprah's new shows
AIG is propped up by the gov't...that's what's keeping it where it is. If SIRI were to do a RS, who knows what would happen. IMHO, I think a natural rise to over a buck is in the short term future, and the need for RS will not materialize. Once over $1, big money will start to flow in, and we could see $2 fairly quickly, all assuming the quarterly earnings news continues to show big merger synergies, pos cash flow and some sub growth.
must have missed something last week but either way Im sure i have the most drawings...
my 30 days is up and after being out that debt load scares the crap out of me to get back in
.66, but thats ok, I lost 40% in 2 days on spng (though i was up 45% last week), but its bubbling back up!
it will probably double next week, or 2 10k, september sales, nasdaq...oh nevermind wrong thread, go to market watch if you care
I thought we had calculated it to be September 3rd? Pretty accurately i though too...interesting nothing came out about it...
Coolest thing for everyone here is that .38 to .48 cent battle was that its up in the .60's moral should be pretty good...
I renewed the wifes new car for 2 years on sxm...we were coming home from the famly cottage and the 3 month had expired...i wondered for a second as she put on 100.3 FM if I would renew it, i figure heck, she can listen to FM, I bet she doesn't even notice....then...comercial...fuzz...static...fadin g...I got on the fricking phone IMMEDIATELY and called to renew and within 10 minutes I was calm again....
i still use my xmp3 for hours daily, love it...
I hope I can ride some other stocks for a while...ok, a stock for a while through January and then reevaluate siri, im nervous about share count...the lack of progress on the web interfaces, the $1 listing criteria, debt load....ok, ill stop, im on the wrong side of the fence now to be helpful...
sorry i don't stop in much, im wrapped up in that thing over there <<<< and work is busy...
thanks everyone for all the support early this year...hopefull for greener pastures for all!!![]()
Last edited by imromo24; 09-12-2009 at 09:13 PM.