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John....I respect your point of view. I am fairly conservative, more a libertarian actually, but I viewed the clip and frankly don't see anything to it. I have no info on this guy Lloyd, but if you look at the clip by itself, it appears he's just recounting what Chavez did, not offering an opinion as to whether it was good or bad. He does note that Rwanda radio was misused by one tribe to incite genocide against another. I'll do some more research on Lloyd though.
Glen Beck is a windbag. He shouts and carrys on over everything and sees left wing conspiracies everywhere. He should go back to being a comedian, because he's clueless, long on hyperbole, and short on facts. I like O'Reilly. He's much more professional and even handed. Hannity used to be more like Bill, but he's becoming more like Beck, though more polished.
I'm not a fan of Obama policies, but, to think he's a radical socialist is not the case. He is advocating socialist policy in health care, and perhaps other things as well....all of which I disagree with. But guys like Beck have no credibility with me.