but it was headlines
i like artie
but it was headlines
i like artie
A mother drowning her kids is headlines as well. That's what Artie doesn't seem to get - negative attention is shitty attention, and truthfully, it effects the whole "Howard Brand". He could have done so much more just being the "loveable" Artie.
I'm listening to today's reply. The guy won't budge an inch on anything. It is such an impractical approach. He will not accept anything less than "you killed and made the show!"
I like Artie too, but he's not always on. In fact, he has been irritating lately - talking over Howard, being relentless on some guests (Lou during Playboy judging.... ) that turns me off. He thinks it's funny, and Howard won't rein him in Sternly.
It seems to me (just one man opinion) that he is really pissed off because he feels like he was wronged by the powers that be. Its like they told him to be crazy and then once he got crazy they trashed him and now they are benefiting from the free press by further bashing him and how he acted. Something tells me that this has become personal with him and he feels as though he has been played a fool. Be crazy... ohhh... we didnt think you were going to be THAT crazy. It's either that, or they planned to railroad him from the get go.
Charles LaRocca
SiriusBuzz Founder
That's a fantastic point though IMO he hasn't come off that way. I will say that most accounts speak to him getting the AOK on "letting loose", but one man's vision of "letting loose" certainly might not match another man's vision.
In as much as I respect your opinion, I really think Artie thinks he did kill, and obviously, that is debated. This is something he hasn't shown any respect for, and it's bothersome to me.
I agree that he thinks that he did better then he actually did. I have watched every appearance he has made on late night TV and he is usually pretty damn good.
I still keep coming back to... what the hell was that show supposed to be? I think Artie was rattled by the shittiness of what he was wrapped up in. That was the first show ever right? Why the hell would you ask Artie Lange to be on your opening night unless you wanted something crazy/controversial to happen?
The whole thing reeks of weirdness.
Charles LaRocca
SiriusBuzz Founder
it was weird, and thats why i really felt that the weirdest part of the show was...the rest of the show, aside from artie.
he is a selfish bastard and childish vulgar imbecile (can't think of better words) and while he was sitting there im sure he was just getting more and more pissed and figured he would take it to the "final nail" and at least make headlines...
with all the millions of potential subscribers and possibly millions of "old" stern terra listeners that didn't make the jump to satellite, this may have been the spark that got them off the sidelines after several years of missing howards show...especially with the demise of terra radio, artie made a great point...his point was "I am bored to death, on satellite radio we don't get bored"