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  1. TSavery is offline
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    06-14-2009, 10:29 PM #1

    Stock Shock - The Movie

    Ok, those of you that have ordered the movie should be getting it any time now. This thread will be where you can give your opinion on the move, its subject matter, and even poke a joke or two at Tylers expense. If you have not seen the movie, why not get your hands on a copy.

    Cheers to everyone.
    Tyler Savery
    Satellite Standard Founder

  2. relmor2003 is offline
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    06-15-2009, 09:50 AM #2
    Quote Originally Posted by TSavery View Post
    Ok, those of you that have ordered the movie should be getting it any time now. This thread will be where you can give your opinion on the move, its subject matter, and even poke a joke or two at Tylers expense. If you have not seen the movie, why not get your hands on a copy.

    Cheers to everyone.
    Tyler you added class to this stock discussion in the movie. You presented your information very well, and were very clear in your points. I hope the movie exposure helps drive traffic to this site, as you deserve it. I was worried she would edit my interview to support agendas I didnt want to appear to be behind, but she did a good job. If Hartlieb supplied the money for the movie, then I suppose he deserved the air time he got.

  3. mypearl is offline
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    06-15-2009, 10:02 AM #3
    take the uptick out of wallstreet then everything will fall wont it, kinda what happened didnt it! our own gov took us for everything. seems to me like they had it planned. theres alot of money somewhere that was made!

    If and when will the uptick be putt back in place. then our share price will go up some wont it? Admitadly ill have to watch again as im a newb.

  4. AbsolutelySirius is offline
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    06-15-2009, 07:47 PM #4
    I bought the movie and watched it. It was very well done. I feel super bad for people that bought in over a buck, some people in the move bought in at 4 and 5 dollars... that must have hurt! OUCH~! I reccommend seeing the movie, all share holders should~ There are very good reasons to own this stock and it just does not make sense to my why it still hasn't moved!!....Since the stock has been stuck for so long I had to move out my shares to invest into something that was moving, I regret selling my 16K shares but I just could not take the drama and dissappointment everyday playing the 33...33...34...35..33..33..34..35..33.. game any longer. I may reinvest around the end of the month and try to score some quick cash but I felt this stock was ruling my life like a deadbeat boyfriend with a drug problem.

    Best always~

  5. clueless is offline
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    06-16-2009, 04:49 PM #5
    Quote Originally Posted by AbsolutelySirius View Post
    There are very good reasons to own this stock and it just does not make sense to my why it still hasn't moved!!....Since the stock has been stuck for so long
    What if it just happens to be correctly priced for the first time ever?

  6. relmor2003 is offline
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    06-17-2009, 05:46 PM #6
    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    What if it just happens to be correctly priced for the first time ever?
    What if you ever had anything good to say? If were day dreaming....
    If you think this stock is fairly priced, then you should sell.

  7. BAH-ME. is offline
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    06-24-2009, 02:26 PM #7

    stock shock, shock ?

    I just returned from a 2 week hiatus. My wife informed me that I had recieved a package and upon opening package my first shock was to find only one dvd instead of the 2 that I had ordered. I'll watch it this evening to decide if I should attempt to get the other or get reimbursed.

  8. BAH-ME. is offline
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    06-26-2009, 03:44 PM #8
    The movie put faces to names. The point of the movie is understood as I've been following the stock for awhile.
    Too much M.H. but it gave creedence to the fact that retail investors have been given the shaft.
    I do not know anyone personally (maybe 1) that would watch it all and find it informative. It would be interesting to find how many dvds were sold though.
    In regards to me trying to get the other dvd I ordered, I won't bother. Hopefully I'll be able get reimbursed.

  9. BAH-ME. is offline
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    06-29-2009, 09:51 AM #9
    I promptly recieved a return e-mail from Mohr Production. They claim that 2 dvd's were mailed, but they will send another one as to spread the message which I'll do. They thanked me for my e-mail.
    I'm currently waiting for the launch of XM 5, and seeing how the sp is effected by a successful one. I've got my fingers crossed so tight that it's restricting blood flow to my typing finger !!

  10. James is offline
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    07-18-2009, 10:24 PM #10
    I just got my copy today. While it didn't tell me anything I didn't know, it was good to see the information in a documentary format. It made a strong case for the return of the uptick rule but left the impression to someone that was not familiar with the stock market that most short selling is naked selling.

    Tyler and Brandon came across well. I don't know why it went so far into Michael's private life. I found it interesting that Dominick LaViola was listed as a co-producer. Nothing bad, just found it interesting.

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