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  1. Newman is offline
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    Joined: Jun 2007 Location: Dallas Texas Posts: 1,162
    10-03-2007, 12:46 AM #1

    Premium Channels

    I know the forum is entitled Sirius Comedy, but since it joined with SSG, we are talking about XM too right? I am sure the format is same as Sirius.

    Anyways. One of the number 1 things that I would be interested in is if they offered a few of their channels (specifically the comedy channels, because these are my number 1 presets) that have too many commercials as premium channels (wow, I cant beleive IM saying that... I've been spoiled by their music channels).

    For a small fee ($1 a month per channel? Hell, I dont know. I'd pay it) you can get the exact same channel, but commercial free. Im sure the commercial people would like that, but the customers sure as hell would! I listen to the Uncensored comedy channel on XM (Ch. 150) and I LOVE it. The problem is, I hate the commercials because there are almost 90% male enhancement commercials and sex toy commercials. Just because my comedy is uncensored doesnt mean that Im a pervert with erectile disfunction!

  2. clueless is offline
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    10-03-2007, 11:52 AM #2
    I am sure they have the technology to to run a commercial over a skit so, I think this would be possible. The only hard part would be to find bits that are the same length as a commercial break to play for paying users while a commercial is running.

    A better solution would be just to create another channel but as we know there isn't room for that right now.

    I cant see anything like this happening though because it would only work for non live stations with commercials. For instance you cant pay more to get Howard Stern live because when he is in commercials there is nothing to play in the background.