So ... how many of you have had their comments HACKED by Seeking Alpha. It Appears that the soulution is a instantaneous wipe of submitted comments is the solution. Does any one know where the new discussion zone is?
So ... how many of you have had their comments HACKED by Seeking Alpha. It Appears that the soulution is a instantaneous wipe of submitted comments is the solution. Does any one know where the new discussion zone is?
I have had two days of comments removed. This morning's comments were on topic and still removed. It's very frustrating especially during this two week waiting period and with a pretty good group of individuals honestly offering opinion.
Well......just can'tget away from riff raff
I've always found the forums here a great way to tease out the issues as they arise for Sirius or XM and now SXM... I think the SA site was more spontaneous and brought individuals to the articles from a broader base of posters because of all of the other topics found there. I use SA to research a variety of companies in different sectors and can usually find some knowledgeable posts to start my own DD on just about any topic or company.
Hey dudes...
Baba...did you start this thread? SA was squeezing us out. By not even letting us post on topic, it shows they just wanted us out. Cause why now? We've been populating SIRI articles now for how long? Suddenly we can't post even one post on an article? Just says they are trying to drive the SIRI faithful away. Hmmm. Wonder if it's because SIRI's a penny stock. Remember, their policy is no penny stocks but that dude DJ opined about the worthiness of allowing penny stocks during this time? Bet ya, they're trying to rid SA of SIRI altogether...
I agree.... Relmor2003 started a new's the one I'm going to
I did some reearch into other BB companies...
I spoke with one bulletin board company today that I think could work for setting up a new SIRI board. It has a thread system not in pages but one long thread page like SA articles that will hold 250 viewable messages before it starts archiving a thread. It's very affordable and I would be OK to hosting it. Is this something you think would be worthwhile?? I'm not a huge fan of the mechanics of this site..
Like your title to this thread, we could call it like Sirius Outlaws or something and import Tyler and Brandons articles...just a thought.
We cannot/will not allow our articles to be wholesale copied onto another website.
I would be happy to work with you guys to help make this place more friendly if you guys don't mind playing by a couple of basic rules.
Charles LaRocca
SiriusBuzz Founder