Ahahah I know I am going to come off as a total Newb, because I use this service... Which is what I am anyway...
Friday after all markets were closed and I checked my account, everything was there as usual. Saturday morning I checked my account and the dreaded zeros were across the board for all my accounts!!!
My account history is still showing and showing my most recent deposit on the 26th. No activity posted so far for the 27th.
As you may understand my level of ummmmm "PANIC" and vomiting ahahha well not really but I am really concerned that I may have been a victim of Identity theft or something awful!!! I just don't understand how that could happen if the markets were closed!
Could their servers just be down? If the servers were down, wouldn't the website not work and my account history not be showing??? AHHHHH this is freaking me out!!!
Anyone if you use QTrade let me know if you have had this problem or any issues with them~!
Or someone say something positive lol!!!