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  1. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    05-31-2007, 09:02 PM #1

    How could Bubba make his show better?

    I know that some people might be thinking that it isn’t possible but, even being the mark that I am, I was able to come up with a couple.

    #1 No more gay stunts
    Bubba’s Show is the best radio I have heard in my life but, I would definitely be OK if I never had to listen to “homeless ball licking” ever again. Who do you think you are catering to Bubba? Channel 101 isn’t OutQ.

    #2 Less marking out from callers
    I think it’s really cool that Bubba goes to the phones live but there is a downside. Every idiot that wants to call in to just hear their own voice can get through, which prevents people like me from presenting actual significant information that could be directly contributing to the show.

    #3 More Evil Knievel
    See #2 above. I don’t mean the whole Evil bit, just cut to the “stop calling me on the phone you motherf@$&” part and then go for the hang-up sound effect.

  2. clueless is offline
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    06-01-2007, 02:56 AM #2
    #1 More Ned
    I dont mean that he should get his own show or anything (that didnt go well) but, to just have him chime in more would be cool.

  3. Southern is offline
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    06-01-2007, 03:52 PM #3

    "How could Bubba make his show better? "



  4. s50-rocks is offline
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    06-03-2007, 01:04 PM #4
    I don't know about the legality but it would be nice if the B.R.N. made available the replays of the show in mp3 format and in several qualities. It's nice to replay the show at another time, but it's nicer to replay the show at your convenience. Nobody really has a 4 hour block of time each day to catch the whole show. Something always get missed. I get the shows free now through the newsgroups but the B.R.N. would be better served and better connected with the fans if this service was made available. It also opens up the door to new subscribers.

    Bubba has one of those shows that you wouldn't want your daughter to hear or know you listen to it, but sharing it with the guys is priceless. Many are still unaware to the freedom of satellite radio and file sharing tied to those that have downloaded the files will allow for marketing oppertunities as well as statistics Perhaps this is an issue that should be handled by Sirius. This is not just a Bubba issue. Stern and the other talk show hosts would benefit from this as well.

    What say you?

  5. SiriusBuzz is offline
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    07-16-2007, 06:57 PM #5
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusBuzz View Post
    #2 Less marking out from callers
    I think it’s really cool that Bubba goes to the phones live but there is a downside. Every idiot that wants to call in to just hear their own voice can get through, which prevents people like me from presenting actual significant information that could be directly contributing to the show.
    Bubba announced today that he would finally be getting a call screener. I would like to think that my emails made a difference but there were probably a lot of like minded people on this issue.
    Charles LaRocca
    SiriusBuzz Founder

  6. s50-rocks is offline
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    07-16-2007, 11:22 PM #6
    I like Bubba answering the phones, But realistically, Even the callers don't expect it. Better to weed out the Marks that really have nothing to contribute. There is usually not much time spent on the the callers and I can see why. A call screener is a move in the right direction and maybe it will allow for more live input from those that seem to make sense when they speak.