View Poll Results: If Sirius Declares Bankruptcy, Will You Cancel Your Subs?

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  • I will cancel all my subs

    20 57.14%
  • I will cancel some of my subs

    5 14.29%
  • I will keep all my subs

    10 28.57%
  • I will add subs

    0 0%
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  1. James is offline
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    02-11-2009, 12:25 AM #1

    In the event of BK, will you cancels subs?

    In the event that Sirius XM declares bankruptcy, will you cancel some or all of your subs? This assumes that the common shareholders will be wiped out.

    I have three subs and will cancel two, one right away and one when it is time to renew. I will keep the one in my car. I have common shares and two bonds. I hope in the event of BK the bonds will be converted into equity in the future company and not paid off for cents on the dollar. I'll still be out a lot of money.

  2. dread is offline
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    02-11-2009, 02:23 AM #2
    I only have one sub, and now its a lifetime. I enjoy the service, not the pps, or whats left of it now.

    I have lost a lot, not as much as most of you guys, but a loss it is!!

    Good luck to all shareholders!! Guess we just wait and see what the company says!!

  3. trippingthespeculatingpos is offline
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    02-11-2009, 02:24 AM #3
    if they keep stern i keep it, silly to stop enjoying one of my fav show's

  4. dread is offline
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    02-11-2009, 02:27 AM #4
    Quote Originally Posted by trippingthespeculatingpos View Post
    if they keep stern i keep it, silly to stop enjoying one of my fav show's

    Good luck Tripp!!!

    Looks like I am going down with the ship, and all I can do is LOL!!

  5. billhart22 is offline
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    02-11-2009, 02:39 AM #5
    Quote Originally Posted by trippingthespeculatingpos View Post
    if they keep stern i keep it, silly to stop enjoying one of my fav show's
    I will keep two of three subs. If I took my wife's Jazz channels out of her car she would beat me severely.

    One for my car.

    I hate commercials, CD's (same old shit all of the time) and IPOD (way too much work and gets redundant...) I want somebody to do all of that for me and manage the music....SIRI is a great product. Something good has to come out of all of this. It is possible that it may not be to the stockholders advantage, but something good has to come.

    Keep the faith! Tomorrow is another day.

  6. billhart22 is offline
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    02-11-2009, 02:44 AM #6
    Quote Originally Posted by dread View Post
    Good luck Tripp!!!

    Looks like I am going down with the ship, and all I can do is LOL!!

    At least you "Man-Up". I hope the ship doesn't sink for any of us, but I respect you very much for your attitude.

  7. rickand7 is offline
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    02-11-2009, 03:13 AM #7

    One for sure

    My wife may keep hers for one more term. I have lost faith now and 6 figure money, so with my iPhone is on to internet radio and Pandora and so long to SXM. I simply can not turn that f----on and remember what hell Mel and company has put me through.

  8. dread is offline
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    02-11-2009, 03:23 AM #8
    Quote Originally Posted by billhart22 View Post

    At least you "Man-Up". I hope the ship doesn't sink for any of us, but I respect you very much for your attitude.
    Thanks Bill!!! Right back at you!!!

    My 17k lose is trivial compared to what is going to happen with the macro-economy.

    From what I am hearing about the economy right now, well I will save it for the politics board, but it aint good.

    We have our health and our families/friends, thats all that matters!!!

    Add guns and ammo/supplies to that list!!! LOL!!!

  9. imromo24 is offline
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    02-11-2009, 07:39 AM #9
    I don't pay for a sub yet, March 1st is my day to get a lifetime sub with best of, If this ship sinks...not doing it. I would consider it a loss for myself because I love the service, but if my stock is worthless than I feel like the company "personally" lied to me as an investor and F'd me.

  10. Seamless82 is offline
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    02-11-2009, 01:24 PM #10
    I'm going down with the ship... in fact I'm buying more to be a shareholder of record once this mega lawsuit ensues,IMHO.

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