Sorry man, but I gotta quote on this. Old Joe Pa is about to derail your train.
(Offtopic, apologizes.)
Type: Posts; User: Hughes
Sorry man, but I gotta quote on this. Old Joe Pa is about to derail your train.
(Offtopic, apologizes.)
They do not talk for five minutes straight. If they are talking for five minutes straight, your sense of time is completely distorted. I appreciate the "20" seconds they "MAY" spend between each "15"...
As an avid reader of this site and the boards, I have to admit that I seriously hate these audio ads. They are really turning me off to this entire site. I know there is a volume button on my...
This may be a total noob question so forgive me in advance, but what do you think happens to the SP while Liberty waits to take full control?
I would think it will be released as we get closer to Father's Day, but I would like to see it earlier.
Did anyone notice on Classic Rewind that they are playing way too much Tom Petty? I feel like every time I turn it on, a Tom Petty song is playing. I was a Petty fan, but I'm starting to get sick of...
I'm holding out for $1.50, if that ever decides to happen, I'm selling half my position.
I do agree Oprah needs to get off her fat ass and advertise her own show at the very least. A daily mention on her show would be nice. I don't watch or ever intend to watch Oprah so I have no way of...
lol! I saw that, but didn't realize it was you until you said it. Nice!
I always hear people say how Sirius needs to advertise more, but in the back of my mind I just don't see the point at the current time. Why not wait until the economy is better and then begin to...
I just saw that, but I still don't buy it. I guess we'll see tomorrow though.
I think he is implying the opposite of what he actually wrote will happen because he likes to think he's smarter than everyone who reads his posts. Although, I have to give him credit for this week's...
That sounds good to me. I wonder if we'll reach the PM high sometime today.
You and me both! I'm averaged in at just about .45 and I don't think I've seen green in almost FOUR years. I'm curious as to everyone's next move, but I'm definately hanging on until the Q1 call. I...
With the population in India, there is huge potential there if this comes to fruition... I certainly hope it does.
It would be nice to see the iphone app announcement tomorrow to capitalize on the S&P upgrade, but that is just wishful thinking.
I'm listening to the radio broadcast now and man it is tough. Tough day for us over here.
Harry will truly be missed.
You should have added a "GRRRRRRRRRR!" in there too. LOL!
You will find a lot of enjoyment in that. You missed some good ones...
I heard there may be a pullout keyboard for the new iphone. Anyone else heard this? I would consider buying one if they added it.
I'm not trying to be negative here, but Saturday is almost over and I doubt we will get any sort of announcement on Easter Sunday. You never know though...
Yea, that's how I read it and I hope he is right about things getting ugly for ISEG.
Looking good today Ladies and Gentleman. I hope this continues.
They probably retreated to their bomb shelters.
Things seem to have taken a turn for the negative lately. There's always a bright side and if the Phillies can win in one of the greatest come backs I've ever watched, anything is possible and we're...