If you are a AAA member, go to AAA.com/discounts and get 25% off on radios and accessories from SIRIUS , good from Nov.1 to Dec.31,2009 Change website to AAA.com/sirius.(sorry)
Type: Posts; User: njb
If you are a AAA member, go to AAA.com/discounts and get 25% off on radios and accessories from SIRIUS , good from Nov.1 to Dec.31,2009 Change website to AAA.com/sirius.(sorry)
Some good news today,Cramers viewers dropped 52%, also CNBC lost 50% of its viewers.
O boy, Goldman checking on Goldman. Is this some kind of joke.
Check SIRI closing price from last Fri. till now. Fri..54, Mon..55, Tues..56, Wed..57, Thurs..58, Today .59 Last 10 Min. today goes from .605 to .59 ....
Someone said Washington is a 1 mile square city surrounded by reality.
Take your head out of the sand and look around SIRIUSRAIN, M Moore is real and it`s all happening.
Hi, I have been a lurker for about 3 yrs. now. The only thing keeping me in SIRI is hope and I...