OK, after reading that, and all of the exclusions, etc. Why would anyone want this? Well, certainly not me.
Type: Posts; User: Jocunddus
OK, after reading that, and all of the exclusions, etc. Why would anyone want this? Well, certainly not me.
Is everyone sleeping? Forget your coffee? I am used to reading more in the mornings, and only one post on 30 minutes?
Here for the long term, whatever happens.
stock is plummeting, :( .336 from .38 when I first checked this morning
The guy was a complete IDIOT. I was the one that had to educate him, and on a toyota, they only had XM available, but since I already have Sirius, I am going to see if I still get the discount for...
I dunno, Bana, I just bought a car yesterday, and they could not wait to give me a loan. Though I must say that the credit numbers here are excellent. I don't know for borderline people.
LOL. I am going to take your post as an honest question and not as a poke in the ribs. Just because I have only made 7 posts on the SBuzz board does not mean that I have not been on other boards...
The Joc Prediction -
I think SIRI will go to .32 plus or minus a bit, today, slowly rising again to .37 then close.
All in all, I predict a pretty stable day today and tomorrow. On Friday, I...
I am just an ignoramous, and frankly have no idea about the markets, etc. I suspect that the market will be fairly steady today, a small rise tomorrow (.36-.40) then a fairly good increase on...
OMG. I got in at .23 for 5k shares.
I put that in as a lark, this morning, before the market opened. LOL. I don't have as much as almost all of you guys, but all I can afford. At this point I...
Wow.....all I can say. Wow.
26500 at .157
I am here for the long term.
My AVE is .13, for 27K, but I think I am going to stay for the long run. A long time ago I was in for 3.00/share, and sold at 2.50, when it started to go down, so I lost some there, but bougt back...
With the grim news from GM and the grim news from China (no stimulus package for them, from their government) looks like the DJIA is going to head down again, taking SIRI with it, I suppose.
OH, I...