Awww SiriusBuzz you were my only hope :(
Do you think you can find the playlist for Alt Nation because maybe it was on there. Same info 11AM-5PM central time February 1st 2014.
Type: Posts; User: Aleks Alejandro Evans
Awww SiriusBuzz you were my only hope :(
Do you think you can find the playlist for Alt Nation because maybe it was on there. Same info 11AM-5PM central time February 1st 2014.
Oh crap I got the times wrong I said PM instead of AM so maybe 10AM-5PM? I do know the song came on sometime before Redlight King - Times Are Hard. Also I can not find the lyrics for Sweet Cyanide...
Okay I looked up the lyrics to those songs and it wasn't there so maybe it was from 11PM-3PM? I know I did hear other songs I found and they were Redlight King - Times Are Hard, Nonpoint - That Day,...
Central time zone.
Yes, I do believe it was on February the second around day time between 3PM-5PM.
I figured this would be the correct section to post it in I need help finding a song I listened to on XM Octane radio. Google and Yahoo answers did not help me I even used quotes around the part of...