relmor your the only one that makes me actually read!! got to take my a d d medicine when you post, LOL, whats on tv
Type: Posts; User: mypearl
relmor your the only one that makes me actually read!! got to take my a d d medicine when you post, LOL, whats on tv
Steady climb to .6 this week! Have to be positive. :)
That's an impresive track record. You nailed it! What did you put your sell in at if you don't mind me asking? .53'ish?
What is your prediction on how far the run up will be? .63 again? Is .63 where the resistence is? Best regards.
last day for me in the real world. that being said I'd like to hear what you think siri will do for 9 days ahead of right NOW.! As in what it will peak at so I can set a sell point. I'm somwhere...
Man this Monday thread sucks! There isn't any ohhh's and ahhh's. I say SWEET for a 42 closing! Must be raining everywhere but here in Minneapolis. C'mon peeps need good motivation. Big'Ol group...
any chance at .42 or .43 again today?
anyone else see a pop to .464 coming? thats what i got, but it beats the tar out of me if im on the correct knowledge base. if that even made since.
is the lifetime membership going away? is so when?
I dont care what the sp does today! I got my scottrade elete access. Amazingly all I had to do is ask. Now I'll get tier 2 and try to get from 43k to 100k of shares in the next year. Do you think...
Does the uptick rule hurt day traders? or is the shorts? Heck it could be both for all I know. I'm all for the up tick rule to be reinstated. I think the gov took it away to make money on...
thank you,
relmor2003 you should make tomorrows intraday with the good news?
hugs relmor2003
woot woot
do you get that with scottrade when you have 25k or more? if so i have to wait for .57 LOL
I sometimes loose focus because of some of the rif raff that goes on here. I do appreciate that it's allowed to go on though because I do learn from some of it. And I hope some day a few of you...
dang after reading some of your posts i don't feel so bad but im still little with 43k at .35. and that's all my money, LOL. you have to be retarded when it comes to the common since of where its...
hate to be a prick but this has no business in the "Sirius XM Stock Talk" forum!
go delete mine please i did mine same time you did this one, my bad, i was trying to help. i'll also add a .02 pre market, lets hit .57 today
darn it, i was hoping for a .50 close. maybe by the end of the week.
I agree with you 100%. I'm little all of 31 years of age and have put my eggs in this basket. at $40, id be a millionaire. Albeit just barely. I hope I pegged this blue chip stock before its...
I'm looking for the days of .56 and way long on this one, i think SIRI will be huge in 10 years.
i wanted to add that in a 10 year or 20 year run itll be less headache than rental property and in the end have WAY more money in the "kitty".
i think my average is .35 i started buying at .50 and have 40k shares. i dont mind sharing that info becasue heck im a learning investor. i saw long ago before the bk scare that this is going to...
no i have to pay 9 smack a roes because i have a "comercial family" lifetime plan. kinda bums me out but after spending all my savings on stock i figure put your money where you spend it.
yes i...
wait im here, lol. I'm opening a new gym and its our grand opening today. Had to start the pig roast.
We do have sirius here and i just got the iphone app and sub to it. now just need the sp...