Gl everyone, those who are sticking it out, and congrats to those who locked in a profit already. I really don't know what's going to happen, but luckily my mortgage isn't tied in to this wager. ...
Type: Posts; User: cranmer
Gl everyone, those who are sticking it out, and congrats to those who locked in a profit already. I really don't know what's going to happen, but luckily my mortgage isn't tied in to this wager. ...
I know this is not about Sirius, but did anyone (Tripping, you included) see the numbers on LVLT this morning? Share price was at 13.26? Was this a fluke? Anyone know what happened? :confused:
hey---that's my birthday!! I should have bought some then, too (you know this year it was a Friday....) I ended up buying mid-March.