
Type: Posts; User: Phred

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  1. Replies

    Poll: I have one only because iPhones are more secure...

    I have one only because iPhones are more secure than Android phones. Also Apple will not hand over my personal profile information even if court ordered by the Federal Government. I respect that...
  2. Replies

    Putting an end to automatic stop/start?

    I could not stand it. I kept forgetting to hit the button. I bought a kit and it was cake to install. Now every time I start my Jeep, the LED is on. No more auto stop/start!

    Anyone else...
  3. When you bought your new car, did they tell you about SXM?

    My previous new car was a 2002 Jeep Wrangler. I sold it in 2013. I lived out of country between 2012 and early 2018, and did not drive much. Cars changed a lot in the years that I was gone. I am...
  4. Free one year "trial subscription" not used, so I have no obligation?

    My new Jeep game with a built in XM radio. I was never told about it by the dealer, and it never crossed my mind. I received a letter from XM, telling me that I had a free one year "trail" coming to...
  5. My 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee came with SXM built...

    My 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee came with SXM built in. It does the same thing, if I park it for more than about four days. The subscription dies and the favorite channel memory goes away. FM works...
  6. I had the same problem. My Jeep Grand Cherokee...

    I had the same problem. My Jeep Grand Cherokee sits in an underground parking garage all week. I bought it in February (five months ago). I typically drive only on Friday to Sunday, and it remains...
Results 1 to 6 of 6