I believe YMMV stands for "your mileage may vary". I had to do a little DD to discover that. Hillbilly "might would" like to make us think. :thumbup:
Type: Posts; User: ralphy1
I believe YMMV stands for "your mileage may vary". I had to do a little DD to discover that. Hillbilly "might would" like to make us think. :thumbup:
Take care of yourself, Charles, and whoever else lives up that way.
Hey Jackweed, I think you're better off showing a loss to the IRS. It does not affect your total amount in your account. You would just be showing a loss, although your accout absolutely did gain...
not much of a dividend then, sounds like a break even
so what exactly are holders of LMCA getting in the dividend on Friday?
To whom it may concern, SW has a forum up now.
good morning folks. yeah, I sold a lot at 2.77 pre-market, will try to get back in at 2.73
Greetings all. I'll just add this to the several siri sites that I visit every day. GLTA Thanks for the link to this site.