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    Hi Stang -

    I thought I would elaborate a little more on CTIC for my answer really didn't get into detail.

    I sent a request for us to be friends so we can communicate without the world seeing.

    CTIC is a stock that is really being pimped by the newsletters this week. It made some great gains...true...and one massive spike today.

    I don't know how much stock knowledge you have, so I will "assume" not much, so don't feel insulted as I go along.

    When these newsletters are sent out, the people sending them all ready have money invested before they send them. Then everybody jumps in...and one heck of a spike and lots of times the stock just falls on its face. The only way to play these types of stocks is to get in early...right away....take a ride that you are comfortable with and then bail out. I have seen so many do just like today, the original people (who send out the news letters bail and leave the rest of the people stuck at a loss. The smart ones jump in take a profit and jump out.

    Now after this spike today, I would personally watch the stock and see where it is going. That is the way we day trade. Ray, Tony and I were watching it today and all had a concensus that it was too hot to handle right now. If it settles down a bit a starts growing then it might be worthy of our money, but not today.

    I hope this helps and if you have any questions, please ask.

    Have a great evening,

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