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tuesday is coming quickly and time to move some money I can add or sale both currently holding 517000 shares now kicking myself for not adding at .o55 was going to pick up 100000 more shares what do you think other then I am nuckingfuts
I do not have any short or long SIRI positions anymore. I do have about $13000 in cash that need to find a home. If things play well with SIRI next week I will go long, but only after 2/17/09 !!! I will not risk the 13K here though and I may sell if I do not like what I hear at the earnings announcement. Shorting ? there's no shorting opportunities here... yet. 2/12/09 Update for Demian who's following my trades and posts closely. I got assigned 1000 shares today. I OWN 1000 NEW shares. As you can see above, I did not own any shares on 2/09/2009.
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