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  1. All information is valuable, so there is no harm in speaking to him. Just remember that he has an opinion, but that does not make it fact. I have had many conversations with Michael, and I think he is a good guy. He has done a lot of research, uncovered a lot of facts, and has arrived at opinions based on his research. It is best to know the information, and reach your own opinion.
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    I need your opinion. Hartlieb has contacted me via private message. He wants to fill me in on Mel's plan to sell the company privately for pennies. Should I have any outside contact with him? I believe you have spoken to him in the past.

    Thanks, Rich
  3. View Conversation
    The latest version of VB has all kinds of new features.
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Tyler Savery
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09-30-2008 11:58 AM
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01-03-2011 07:31 PM

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