More than 400,000 Americans died of COVID during King Donald's first term in office. Many studies, including one conducted by Columbia University and...
At an August 2024 rally in Asheville, North Carolina, Trump promised that "prices will come down and they’ll come down fast." He was lying, of course...
Long before he became King, Donald Trump was the world's biggest crook, con man and fraudster. He was involved in more than 4,000 lawsuits and legal...
On April 2, 1792, Congress passed the Coinage Act, establishing the first national mint in the United States, in Philadelphia. On March 1, 1793, the...
Donald Trump has often expressed admiration for dictators. Many observers believe he always aspired to be a dictator – and now he is a dicator. He is...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, created in July 2011, was an independent agency of the United States government until King Donald the First...
In April 2020, King Donald the First suggested coronavirus could be treated by injecting bleach into the body. In 2025, King Donald is continuing his...
Mark Honeywell founded the Honeywell Heating Specialty Company in 1906 in Wabash, Indiana. Today the Honeywell International aeronautics, automotive,...
On February 17, 2017, Donald Trump called our nation's news media "the enemy of the American people." King Donald the First despises the news media –...
"Look, consumers don't need 'financial protection.' All they need is me, okay? I will lower their housing costs. I will lower their insurance costs....