View Full Version : Sirius XM Music

  1. Favorites
  2. Grateful Dead Radio
  3. How about a Hard Rock Cafe Channel???
  4. Rolling Stones channel
  5. Ott
  6. Breakfast With the Beatles
  7. Please help save Beyond Jazz!
  8. Please help save Boombox!
  9. Killing the music
  10. Siriusly disguested... WHERE IS MY MUSIC?!
  11. Light at the end of the tunnel? CALL SIRIUS NOW!
  12. Censored
  13. Liquid Todd chimes in on death of Boombox!
  14. "decade" and mainstream Sirius channels question...
  15. Garage band channel?
  16. Why is there a commercial between every song?
  17. Sirius Customer Care - New Channel changes.
  18. Sirius Blues vs BB King's Bluesville
  19. MY Angry Letter is Meaner than YOUR Angry Letter
  20. What did they do to my Lithium?
  21. They play the same songs every single day on the '70's channel!
  22. BOOMBOX FANS - Please read this!
  23. Restore Disorder
  24. Lip Service - WTF?
  25. Bluegrass Junction, Original Amateur Hour?
  26. Unique Content only on Sirius XM
  27. Sirius XM Weekly Music Notables 12-14
  28. Hip Hop Nation's repetitive rotation.
  29. The Strobe and Backspin to Return!
  30. Open letter to Mel & Seth
  31. Sirius XM New Years Specials 2009
  32. Sirius is pissing in the ears of its subscribers
  33. Zeros and Ones renamed "Boombox Radio???"
  34. Different hair bands
  35. Boneyard
  36. No music, only howard?
  37. McCartneys ''Firemen'' Channel
  38. Eminem's deal with Sirius.
  39. Thanks Hairnation!!!
  40. Liquid Metal 'mandatory metallica month'? Why?
  41. Boneyard programming
  42. Bring Back BUZZSAW
  43. Where is the Dance Mix Show
  44. Open Letter To Sirius (The Boneyard)
  45. WMC coverage @ Raleigh hotel
  46. Expressing my Views
  47. Online petition to get Emily Tan off of WMC Coverage...
  48. Seeing A Trend?
  49. Playlist Are Improving
  50. Boneyard plays the same songs everyday
  51. P.D. changes at Octane & Hairnation
  52. Hairnation vs. Old XM BONEYARD
  53. BONEYARD - A small positive programming Post
  54. Programming changes on Boneyard?
  55. Top 40 songs on the new Boneyard!
  56. Leo G no longer with Sirius XM!!
  57. Bodhi & Jose take over today! 5/12/09
  58. Song requests for Hairnation!
  59. No improvement on Boneyard
  60. Octane Addicts
  61. Backspin is not pop2k
  62. The Heat
  63. New Music by Classic Artists!
  64. Boneyard, different day, same songs.
  65. Sirius XM Fresh Music Generator
  66. DJ Skee's New Podcast
  67. Zellner
  68. Decades, Rock and Pop Open Discussion
  69. Classic Rewind Song Changes
  70. Classic Vinyl Song Changes
  71. Boneyard Song Changes
  72. Def Leppard in top 12 most played on 4 different channels
  73. Fans of BPM Dance Channel Mount Revolt Over Programming Changes
  74. Boneyard ---> New Music (Finally!)
  75. Matt The Cat - Sept. 13
  76. Annoying D.J's
  77. Christmas Music
  78. I don't want commercial free "radio".
  79. Deep Purple Machine Head
  80. Rolling Stones Song on the Blues Channel Last week
  81. I got the old man's car!
  82. Doing your part help to get THE BONEYARD back on track!!
  83. Classic Vinyl/Rewind/Boneyard/H.N.
  84. Prog Rock?
  85. The VILLAGE ?
  86. Open letter to Deep Tracks.
  87. Get jim ladd off the air
  88. Deep Tracks is great! How about playing some Golden Earring???
  89. Jefferson Airplane
  90. What is the name of the song that played on Avicii's channel on Sept. 3 12:45 a.m.
  91. What is Sirius's Top Song Played in Movies and TV?
  92. Seasons in the sun by terry jacks
  93. Octane music reviews?
  94. Wanted: Classical Music 75 to return
  95. who sings it and what's it called
  96. Best Music from Sirius Boombox?
  97. Octane song from last week
  98. Spa Chanukah Music
  99. Can someone help me find a song
  100. You want repetitious?
  101. need help
  102. Need help finding a song!
  103. Need help finding a song!
  104. Need Help with Song
  105. Ozzy's Boneyard
  106. Who's the band who sounds like Alice in Chains??
  107. Music Channel Escape (69) changing to only online this Thursday
  108. 31 Tribute to Yacht Rock
  109. E Street Radio
  110. Need help finding a song
  111. Channel 53 chill. What track is that?
  112. Help with Dj Santarosa song title
  113. Female group
  114. can't get channel 13 or 18 for holiday music
  115. Looking for played Song's name on SiriusXM Fly on Channel 47
  116. Earl Bailey's email address?
  117. Sirius XMU: Past and Present
  118. Please help finding song!!!
  119. Help finding a recent Korn song
  120. Need help finding a song
  121. Need help on finding finding a song
  122. Help me find a song
  123. Lithium
  124. Earle Bailey Rules!
  125. The 50's are the 50's & the 60's are the 60's!
  126. Where's The Fab Four Channel?
  127. Liquid Metal: Too much Lamb Of God & Testament...
  128. Why I would not pay for Sirius XM radio
  129. Earl Bailey Class Vinyl Channel 26
  130. Looking for help finding a song/artist
  131. Beatles channel coming on May 18th
  132. Thanks, SiriusXM!
  133. Tiësto's Club Life Radio Ch. 340 gone?
  134. Help bring DJ's back to 50's on 5!!!
  135. The Beatles Channel
  136. Worst Christmas song
  137. The Decades Channels thread
  139. The Loft is no longer on Channel 30
  140. SiriusXM launches new Americana channel
  141. First Wave Channel 33 - Remix of Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls
  142. Rock The Bells Radio launches on Channel 43
  143. The country music thread
  144. Need help identifying a Post Malone - Rockstar remix or edit?
  145. PopRocks (Channel 17)
  146. 20 on 20 (or Top 20 on 20)
  147. Sensational Alex Harvey Band
  148. Sirius Channel 165
  149. 2019 Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame nominees
  150. SiriusXM Christmas channels
  151. Elvis Radio playlist
  152. Alice In Chains blackballed
  153. Do you think there will be a 2010s decade channel?
  154. How can I view the playlists of SXM music channels?
  155. Words by BB King on Bluesville
  156. SiriusXM 4: The Cher Channel
  157. SiriusXM Channel 4, SoulCycle Radio
  158. Looking for a channel, SiriusXM or Pandora
  159. Deep Tracks
  160. Any stations with Newgrass (Progressive Bluegrass)?
  161. Spa playlist
  162. Poplandia playlist
  163. U2x
  164. What happened to the spectrum?
  165. Jim ladd
  166. Classic Rewind's Top 500
  167. Jolly Christmas playlist
  168. Jim Ladd needs to shut up and just play music!
  169. Hair Nation
  170. Playlist of other channels
  171. List of all Singers in Alphabetical Order in each Genre ??
  172. Signed up for a trial only to find disappointment
  173. Chill volume throbbing
  174. Deep Tracks Demise
  175. Outlaw Country
  176. 90's Playlist
  177. Really dig Yacht Rock . . .
  178. Quite pleased with Symphony Hall after 3 days.
  179. Bring back Jim Ladd!!!
  180. Spin count going backwards
  181. Classic Rock Top 1000 (553)
  182. Deep Tracks channel reassignment
  183. Who was the genius who cancelled 40's junction?
  184. SiriusXM's 70s on 7 has really gone downhill
  185. Alt Nation Just Music Channel
  186. Watercolors
  187. Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2025 nominees