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- Lets talk about something important
- Stiletto 2
- other Satellite & my thoughts
- SiriusBuzz advertisers...
- Types of stop orders possible...
- Cnbc petition
- Charles has a problem with me picking on him.
- Different kind of song game
- Pete's intro thread
- SA Outcasts Unite
- In Addition To Sirius Stock, What Other Penny Stocks Do You Like and Why?
- I need an advice
- My 800th Post
- Spring Water Vs. Tap Water. Give us your opinion!!
- Conspiracy Theories Debunked
- GAME: Word Association
- Investing $100,000 in one stock
- Recommended Reading
- Pandora article comment continuation
- GAME: 5 Word Story
- Charles: Download thread option?
- Goldman Sachs lawyer solicits teenager!
- XMp3 - Card Size
- New Game - Special Skillz
- Be Careful What You Post Here
- 50% off Jamie Foxx Tickets
- Goldman Sachs Latest Swindle!
- Why has john been banned?
- WHY John Should be Banned!!!
- Sirius VP Takes Loss on Home Sale
- My Introduction
- Hello.
- My Introduction
- New to the forum
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- My Introduction
- Hello I’m new to this forum
- Hey what's up?
- CBO: Unemployment Would Have Topped 11% Without Stimulus
- I dont hide the facts from ANYONE.
- Really I am flattered miss me that much, john163888.
- CBO, throw almost a trillion dollars at the wall something will stick.
- The Bush Recession--Let's Call it What it is.
- The recession the democrats left us, elected to power in 2006 and it went down.
- Holy smokes!
- Luxury Brands Boost March Auto Sales
- NASDAQ Sets SIRIUS XM Hearing for April 29, 2010
- Con # 1: The Swoop and Squat
- Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders
- Nissan Leaf Electric Car Will Go On Sale This year
- March SAAR in at 11.8 Million
- 119 Reasons to Keep Listening
- Goldman Sachs Charged with Fraud
- Jimmy Cramer Undressed on CNBC
- At least 70% of South American immigrants are dumb twits or just lazy.
- DOJ Probes Lloyd Bankfiend
- Hot Cars From the Bejing Auto Show
- Oil leaks into the ocean!!!! stop all the drilling.
- The Cost of the Oil Spill Could Exceed 14 Billion
- No Fooling Mother Nature
- Anti-Gay Activist Caught With Male Escort
- Which is more stupid?
- Debt Crisis May Spread to U.S., Japan: Roubini
- Geithner Admits Regulatory Failures
- Blowout Preventers on Oil Wells Known to Fail
- Blast Hits Russia's Largest Coal Mine
- China Pulls Ahead in High-Speed Rail
- 'Zomibie' Satellite Threatens Cable Programming
- hypocritical Obama-Bush Comparisons
- Cars You Might be Driving in !0 Years.
- Commencement Remarks from Christine Romer (Council of Economic Advisors)
- Glen Beck Hits 2010 Ratings Low
- Tesla and Toyota Are Teaming Up on an Electric Car.
- Sara Palin: "Obama is in bed with Big Oil"
- Ford Invests $135 Million in Electric Cars
- If Republicans don't want the Tea Party People, who does?
- Record Global Warming Causing Artic Meltdown
- Obama Offers Regret Mixed with Resolve
- Glen Beck Commands:Pray for Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch
- Gulf Oil Boom Hasn't Been as Effective as Hoped
- Glen Beck Proves he is an ASS by Mocking an 11 year old
- Humm, yet the Hoffington Post says it is OK to do worse then mock a 11 year old.
- Humm, isn't funny how the state effect worse by the oil spill say, DONT STOP DRILLING
- More Americans Oppose Off Shore Drilling
- Who is to Blame for the Oil Spill.
- Alabama Oil Spill Cleanup Mired in Red Tape
- Scientists Awed by Size, Density, of Undersea Oil Plume in Gulf
- Glen Beck Caught Lying Again
- Stewart on Latest BP Developments.
- Social Justice
- 'Its BP's Well, So The Only Person To Blame is Barack Obama
- BP Engineer Called Deepwater Horizon 'Nightmare Well'
- Beck Has Lost Half his Audience Since the Beginning of this Year.
- BP Agrees to Set Aside 20 Billion dollars
- Soros Warns of European Recession Next Year
- Research
- List of Contributions from Oil Companies to Congress
- Bullish Signals from GM and Toyota
- The Top 6 GOP Oil Spill Gaffes
- Foreign Nations Offer Gulf Spill Aid to U.S.--For a Price!
- As reported by FOX NEWS
- Now and Then
- Soros says Germany Could Cause Euro Collapse
- Bush Administration Reversed Clinton Administration Requirement on Deepwater Drilling
- From Card Fees to Mortgages its a New Day for Consumers
- Obama Doing all he can for the Gulf, Despite Republican Criticisms
- The Third Depression
- Contagion Coming from Europe
- John Stewart Destroys Fox News "dont blame Bush" excuse
- Governments Moving to Cut Spending, In Echo of the 1930's
- The Choices that Pay us Back!
- Recession Batters State Govt's
- Punishing the Jobless.
- CBO Says Climate Bill Would Cut Deficit by 19 BILLION.
- Veterans Affairs to Ease Claim Process for Disabiility
- What will Lebron do?
- Fed draws up Strickest standards for Marketing Junk Food to Kids
- Warren Buffett on Economy, Deficit etc.
- Pity the Poor Ceo's
- First half of 2010 HOTTEST on record.
- Two Good Reads
- Google Buys 20 Years of Wind Energy
- The Dog Days
- Industries Find Surging Profits in Deeper Cuts
- 2nd Depression was Averted Due to Bailouts:Study
- Recession was Deeper than Govt Thought
- Colbert Compares Bush Tax Cuts to Digesting Bud Light
- 41% of Republicans Doubt Obama's Citizenship
- An Indication that Bush Tax Cuts were a Failure
- Gates wil cut the Defense Department
- Rich Americans Still Win Even if Bush Tax Cuts Lapse
- Can you Fix Fannie and Freddie w/o Destroyoing Mortgage Market
- Geithner:No Going Back for Fannie and Freddie
- Famed Investor Bill Gross: Calls FRor Massive Taxpayer-Backed Mortgage Refinancing
- Income Tax received by Bush vs. Clinton
- Putting U.S. Corporate Taxes in Perspective
- China To Invest Billions in Electric and Hybrid Cars
- Stimulus Boosted GDP by up to 4.5% in 2nd Quarter
- Selective Stimulus
- BLT's
- This is Not a Recovery.
- Obama: GOP Should Let Small Business Bill Through
- You Aint Going to Believe this.
- Climate Skeptic Changes Tune
- The Hottest Summer EVER in New York
- This Is The Truth. Force Yourself To Read All Of It.
- Bill Gates on R&D, a Carbon Tax, and China's Role
- Bill Gates on R&D, a Carbon Tax, and China's Role
- Obama Offers Infrastructure Plan
- A Scathing Indictment of GOP Fiscal Policy
- Author Simon Singh Puts Up a Fight in the War on Science
- Roubini: Growth to Halt in 2nd Half
- Senate Has 60 Votes for Small Business Bill
- Buffett, Balmer Predict Bright Economic Future
- No Time for Simplistic Comments on Govt
- Senate Passes 30 Billion Small Business Credit Measure
- Warren to Start Consumer Protection Agency
- The Recession is Officially Over!
- Walmart Plans Solar Initiative
- Developing Nations to get Clean-Burning Cookstoves
- Volcker: Mortgage Market Still Needs to be Reformed
- Insurers Scramble to Comply with Health Rules
- The Health of Reform
- Sad, so sad.
- Volcker Slams 'Broken' Financial System, Banks, Regualtors
- Invasion of the Stink Bug
- About Your Premiums
- Stranger than Fiction/Ahmadinejad's Lesson for the Free World
- A Dedication to SiriuslyLong
- Record Gap between Rich and Poor in U.S.
- Health Insurers Pour Money into GOP Coffers
- Judge Halts Foreclosures
- Bankers Ignored Signs of Foreclosure Trouble
- Speed Equals Money in Foreclosure Processing
- Pols Who Criticized Stimulus Sought Funds
- The Tax Cut Nobody Heard of.
- Ihe Fox News Factor
- 47% of Tea Partiers Pay No Federal Income Tax
- Britain Commits Billions to Green Growth
- Europe's Monetary Policy is Stifling Any Recovery
- In 2007 U.S. Income Inequatlity Hit Highest Mark Since 1938
- Rich People Should be Paying More Taxes
- Interesting article on solar energy
- Presidency Headed for Fiscal Train Wreck.
- Galbraith: The Danger Posed by the Deficit 'is zero'
- Our Banana Republic
- The Worry is Deflation NOT Inflation.
- Another Myth Debunked. A Big One!
- M&A Transforming Cleantech Sector
- In Israeli Army Gays are "No Big Deal"
- And Now Some Words From Bankers And Wall Street
- Trashing the National Interest
- Solar Panel Makers Face Supply-Glut ‘Armageddon’: Chart of Day
- Corporate Profits are Highest EVER!
- I just have to, "I told you so"
- Expect More than 100 hybrid and EV Models by 2015
- Hi. I Am Now Going To Touch Your Junk
- Clean Energy Gets Fewer Subsidies, Less Investment Than Fossil Fuels
- 2001-2010: Hottest 10 Year Period in Weather Recordings!
- In Big Government We Trust
- IEA Report Ranks U.S. Low Among Nations Subsidizing Fossil Fuels
- Look at all these taxes!!!
- U.S.C School of Business Report on Sustainable Energy
- Fossil Fuel Subsidies
- The Best Tax Cuts Go to the Rich
- Jobs Report Dissapoint
- Obama Accelerates Statist Agenda
- The Liberal Agenda - know who you are dealing with
- 2010 Index of Economic Freedom
- John Stewart Rips John McCain
- Wall Street Borrowed From Fed at 0.0078 Percent
- Debunking the Deficit Commission
- Flashback:1941's top earners taxed as much as 73%
- Who Needs Jobs when Wallstreet has the Fed
- Big Oil - for my 2 friends
- U.S. Lands Trade Deal with S. Korea
- BRANSON: Unbelievably Painful Recession Without Clean Energy
- 10 Clean Technology Predictions for 2010
- Mounting State Debt Stokes Fears of Looming Crisis
- Why I Voted Against Bowles-Simpson Deficit Plan
- How to become RICH!
- 'Operation Broken Trust'
- Glacier Melt Speeds Up
- Wallstreet Cheers Obama's Compromise with Republcians
- Some History on Taxes
- Leaf:A Revolutionary Vehicle that Drives Like a Car
- Economics 101 - Supply And Demand Don't Matter
- Free Trade Doesn't Work
- California Plans Charging Network for Electric
- Does China Face a 'Peak Coal' Threat?
- To Conquer Wind, China Writes the Rules
- Your Apps are Watching You.
- Opening the Bag of Mortgage Tricks
- Independent Radio Stations are OK'd
- Ten Outrageous Earmarks
- A Scientist, His Work, and a Climate Reckoning
- The Finite World
- Roubini:Home Prices Can Only Move Down
- Yaay, Jobs Are Being Created - Just Not Here.
- Coal's Burnout:Have investors Moved on to Cleaner Energy Sources
- No, Mr. Krugman, You're Eating America Alive
- Peter Schiff:Economic Disaster in 2011
- DEATH BY REGULATION - A chilling article on big governmnet bureaucracy
- Private Sector Jobs Surge in December, Led by Small Businesses
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