View Full Version : Politics
- Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent
- Is The FCC In Mismanaged?
- Doj Timing
- Which Democrat Will Win Iowa?
- Which Republican Will Win In Iowa?
- Romney
- New Hampshire Done
- hillbilly
- Romney Wins Michigan
- A Real American
- New political talk on sirius
- President Bush has catlike reflexes
- First Time home Buyer Tax Loan
- Stimulus /09 / Were is it all going?
- How about lowering mortgage rates?
- Hybrid Superstar shines brighter
- Where Is All The Coverage on the 2 Million Jobs Lost In The Last 6 Months
- here is something I think everyone needs to see.
- "World's most stable car companies"
- Ford Ceo Mulally reacts to Obam Administration's Fuel Economy, Emission ch
- Are Diesels better than Hybrids?
- Hybrids are worth the extra cost.
- Ev's "major portion" of Ford lineup in 10-12 years
- Debt visualized
- Global warming/climate change
- public option for health care
- Polls show support for public option for health care
- Health care for US Congress
- Under Bush ...
- Health coverage may be mandated
- Any members of the "birther" movement here? John?
- Costs and compassion
- Remember when everyone blamed Obama for the sinking Dow
- Govt plan can coexist with private insurance
- Warren Buffett's investment in Chinese Electric car company
- Meltdown came after Banks fought against regulation
- Nissan turns over an Electric Leaf
- The Tesla model S
- Warning:Oil supplies are running out fast
- Which Obama do you want to believe on health care.
- John says Fox news "is the most honest"
- top ten selling cars in clunker program
- John how do you like that "cash for clunkers" govt program?
- The people are speaking
- Do you really think!
- She knows of what she speaks
- Barack's progress report
- Cash for Clunkers extension
- Senators closer to Health Package
- GM plans hybrid-plug-in system in midsize SUV
- clunker class war
- GOP is Propogating falsehoods
- 12.1 Trillion debt limit
- Averting the Worst
- Clean Technology
- Tesla car
- Freddie Mac posts profit
- Mexican cartels smuggle oil to US
- Rove and the prosecutors
- Fox news viewers rank Lowest
- Study about clean diesels and hybrids
- The great electric car race
- Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
- The people do not want it!
- False "Death Panel" Rumor
- Republican Death trip
- The definition of Recession has changed.
- why we need health care reform
- Talk about hypocrisy
- The common sense evaluation of what the Healh care bill will do.
- Man made global warming myth falling apart at the seams.
- Why we dont have to rip our constitution to shreads to bring down health care cost.
- Public Health Care Option
- A New Test for Business and Biofuels
- The Swiss Menace
- Few people really want hybrids.
- Hybrid Car Market Forecast
- Do you really want this kind of heath care.
- Lobbyists sent 13 fake letters to Hill
- American and Canadian Health Care Systems
- Myth Busting Canadian Health Care- Part !
- Teabagger Yells 'Heil Hitler" at Jewish Healthcare Defender
- The Greenback Effect
- Toyota says new electric car battery could offer 10x the capacity
- Fox news viewers get it wrong again.
- Obama says illegals will be covered under his health care plan.
- Canadian health care falling apart at the seams and they say it themselves.
- The Senate Republican Policy Committee
- Polls about Fox viewers misinformation and 72% figure on illegal immigrants
- EV batteries demonstrate 180,000-plus mile lifetime
- John vs. lloyd
- the hybrid batteries are recycleable JUST SIRIUS
- Obama gives 2 billion to brazil
- The GOP's Misplaced Rage
- Hummmm is it 30 or 47 million uninsured?
- Boy,Oh, Boy
- The Body Count at Home
- This is why you cant trust most of the MSM.
- Glen Beck at his finest.
- I am still waiting for an answer to the questions.
- Oil itself is a problem
- US Dept of Defense: Valuing Energy Security
- Wind Power: An Expensive and Inefficient Way to Reduce CO2
- Study Suggest Wind Power Potential is Much Higher than Current Estimates
- Yet another cost to wind power.
- No body and I mean nobody says oil by it self is the answer.
- The People are Speaking
- Poll:most doctors favor public option mix
- John Stewart Returns........
- Ghosn's Zero Sum Game
- Tea Bagger Meltdown
- the MSM meltdown
- Its about time! Lmits on greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles
- "An Indonesian Muslim turned Welfare Thug"
- Have a nice day
- Green Cars are the Rage at the World's Largest Auto Show
- Family Health Premiums:$13,375
- Senator Jay Rockefeller decimates Co-ops as substitute for a Public Option
- So much for Obama having the most open administration.
- New poll shows 65% of doctors dont want government health care.
- What? Bill O'reilly Backs a Public Option?
- Study links 45,000 US deaths to lack of health insurance
- Volkswagon L1 Concept car
- Toyota plans $1 billion marketing, More Hybrids
- Government can be good. Just a reminder.
- Contessa Brewer majorly drops the ball.
- The people cont to speak
- Real Men tax Gas
- Big Oil goes Green for Real
- The Self-Correcting Presidency
- Reform or Bust.
- Bush. Never dull.
- big oil sees profits--- and challenges in deep water.
- "Homosexuality is inflicted on people"
- "Obamas health tax on the middle class"
- The democrats senators must think we are dumb.
- It's Easy Being Green
- Ma should be ashamed of themselves
- The US is a "developing country in terms of high speed rail"
- Some new analysis of global warming
- Yes new study on global cooling by the UN,s own global warming sceintist.
- Glen Beck won't define his own words
- Temperatures have not been falling over the last 10 years
- The great green leap forward: China and India
- China's BYD plans to dominate Global hybrid market
- 26 lies about H.R. 3200
- The New Sputnik
- "31,000 scientists just in the USA reject 'global warming' agenda"
- Senator Inhofe's 400 global warming deniers debunked
- Cassandras of Climate
- 97% of active climatologists agree that human activity is causing global warming
- This should clear up why man is not responsible for global warming.
- "Top 10 Climate Myth-Busters for 2007"
- So just how wrong was Al Gore on man made global Warming.
- How do the global warming scientist do when they debate skeptical scientists?
- the truth and lies about Acorn
- John Stewart always funny and enlightening
- Democrats show their true colors on illegal immigrants getting in on health care.
- "Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?"
- The new losers in energy
- On Safire
- Where did 'We' Go?
- Newsmax columnist:Military Coup may be needed 'to Resolve the Obama Problem'
- GOP has passed bills without 60 votes more often than Dems
- More facts about Volcanos and Co2
- If this doen't beat all, now the French think Obama is weak.
- water vapor and co2 in global climate change
- EPA Moves to Curtail Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Americans Willing to Fund Healthcare Reform:Poll
- Carbon regulation creating rift within American Business
- Senator Lindsey Graham
- Say what you want about Bect he gets results.
- "Obama Safe School Czar Ignored Statutory Rape."
- look at what this nut ball is saying.
- The Truth About Jobs That No One Wants to Tell You
- The real truth about jobs I have told you before and why there are none being created
- Apple Quits Chamber of Commerce over Climate Change
- Obama Orders Federal Government to Cut Emissions sions
- More proof Obama is a socolaist look at what he says about Redistribution of Wealth
- Robert B. Reich Mocked on CNBC
- the MSM bias cant get more blatant, or can it?
- Saturday Night Live Obama Video
- Betsey McCaughey and Dylan Ratigan spar over Health Care Reform
- Fox news Shepard Smith Schools Republican Senator on Public Option
- Where's the next boom? Maybe in 'cleantech"
- Senate Finance Health Bill gets Good Fiscal Marks
- Bob Dole backs health care reform and says Republican Should get on Board
- "Higher taxes in health care bill"
- Even more cost to the Cap N Trade
- The proof many pollsters push people to accept Obamacare
- Obama said: Judge him by those from whom he seeks advice.
- Mitt Romney's Fuzzy Math on Clean Energy Legislation
- "WJR Finds a Model Obama Citizen"
- If this doesn't scare you then you are a Obama socalist.
- Colbert skewers Glen Beck
- Vets loving "socialized" medicine
- Senate Finance Health Bill gets Good Fiscal Marks only because it leaves out much.
- "Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration At Army's Top Medical Facility"
- CNN, Can they show their bias to be any more rampant.
- John Stewart slams CNN for fact checking SNL but not Health care debate
- enough for 60 years supply – and rising fast.
- The New York Times Discovers Thing Called Shale
- Not Good Enough
- The release of a 'long lost" document on Climate Change
- FOX skewers Jon Steward with what !! Yea the truth.
- The newspaper business is failing
- Another Republican open to health care overhaul
- It turns out Mr. Beck is way more worried about Acorn than Al Qaeda,and the Taliban,
- For insurers, a Question of Trust (and anti-trust)
- Can you believe this guy is the HEAD of the Republican National Committee?
- As Dow nears 10,000 looking back at Beck's Prediciton
- "High jobless rates could be the new normal."
- Senator Lindsey Graham on Climate Change
- BBC: What happened to global warming?
- Obama Health Plan "is not socialized medicing"
- Gordon Brown (UK P.M.) doesnt listen to his own press.
- US to order steep pay cuts at firms that got most aid
- Gordon Brown (UK P.M.) Warns of Climate Disaster
- This is what you can expect if government gets its hands on healthcare.
- Obama in his own words how he will get government heathcare in the end.
- What is the Real Agenda on Taxes?
- Public Insurance Option Gains Ground in New Poll
- More Troops a Bad Bet
- Gen. Eaton:Dick Cheney was "Incompetent War Fighter"
- "Bailout Watchdog: 'Unrealistic' to Believe All Bailout Money Will Be Repaid"
- Fuzzy math, and you think you can trust democrats on healthcare cost.
- Hummm didn't the democrats say the samething about the surge in Iraq.
- The Quiet Revolution
- Pushing for Energy Legislation, Obama Takes on Critics
- China Steps Up Slowly but Surely
- This is to good lets see if you can understand what she is saying.
- Poll:GOP's Favorability At its Worst in a Decade
- After Reform Passes
- "Obama Economic Adviser: The Stimulus’ Impact on Economic Growth Has Past"
- Former Fox Contributor: I left because of Beck
- New Life for the Public Option
- how many came over to FOX from CNN, ABC, ect., and stayed after Beck.
- Obama makes history!!!!!!! as the worst president in history according to the people.
- GOP now up by 5 points over democratsin polls.
- Polls show Pelosi Nancy (D) head of the U.S. House, most hated.
- Its Official! A Public Option Health Care Bill in the Senate
- AP IMPACT:Statisticians Reject Global Cooling
- Those evil insurance companies / profits!!
- Small Businesses face Steep Rise in Health Insurance Premiums
- "Dogs Are Bad For Global Warming"
- Obama announces $3.4 billion in grants for smart grid
- A lesson of being aware
- The last Flat-Earther
- I am suppose to believe anything the AP puts out, well lets take a look.
- What is a the term "flat earther" mean?
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