View Full Version : General Sirius XM Discussion

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  1. Welcome To The SiriusBuzz Forums
  2. Hello All
  3. How can Sirius improve their service?
  4. Will Opie and Anthony be back?
  5. People Against Censorship
  6. What Content Should Cross Over
  7. Ssg
  8. Free Sub
  9. Fantasy Football League
  10. Recording Radio Disney
  11. Investment Idea
  12. Forum Invites
  13. Sirius Contests
  14. Subscriber Numbers
  15. Few Potential Post-Merger questions...
  16. Michael Harrison - The Demise of Terrestrial radio
  17. Sirius Satellite TV
  18. Don Imus Returns to Radio
  19. Ever try to CANCEL Sirius???
  20. Proxy Survey
  21. Tyler Savery?
  22. October US Car Sales
  23. Sirius downlink satellite signal intermittent
  24. subscription problem...
  25. Lifetime Plan Switching
  26. Stupid Quotes Surrounding the Sirius XM Merger
  27. Channel Reviews
  28. Francis C Cambridge Fan/hate Club
  29. HD Radio
  30. Wishing Eduardo Well
  31. I believe the MERGER outcome is near
  32. Eliot Spitzer should work for the FCC
  33. Sirius Buzz Radio
  34. Where is mark thompson? ch146
  35. Signal probs in the southwest
  36. Stiletto 100
  37. Programming Changes
  38. Patent
  39. What happened to the oem article?
  40. Sirius Customer Support - A Tale of Woe
  41. This has to be put out there...
  42. Interoperable technologies, patent info.
  43. Sirius attacks C3SR calling them the NAB coalition!
  44. Insinuations
  45. Kevin Martin's very short trip...
  46. Racism at it's best
  47. Win Big announcement.
  48. Thoughts about the iPod...
  49. More Insinuations
  50. How much did Goldman make off of this "mistake?"
  51. Sirius is serious about business subs!
  52. Apple iPhone Gets Streaming Sirius Satellite Radio
  53. That's it Rehr! A little acceptance goes a long way!
  54. I'm out of here...
  55. Investor Tab
  56. Royalties....
  57. A glimmer of hope.
  58. Busy
  59. Piggyback on Tylers blog post...
  60. Newman: The Wonderful World of HD Radio
  61. Flawed Logic.....doesn't compute...
  62. Interoperable Radios and Executive Candor, a look back.
  63. Hartleib Question
  64. exposure
  65. Interoperable Defined
  66. Something I find funny
  67. American Public Media states today:
  68. hmmm....I don't know what to make of it.
  69. Nine CEOs Who Will Go By The End Of The Year
  70. Zcurzan, you knew this was coming! LOL
  71. Michael Harlieb Screws Everyone Again!
  72. Why the concessions are no big deal/ plus what I think of Satelite radios future.
  73. Why is Sirius playlist so short?
  74. Record Label....
  75. marketing ?
  76. When will the bloodletting stop?
  77. SIRIUS and XM is DEAD
  78. What is the name of the new company?
  79. FM Transmitter Email
  80. Fcc order link
  81. noncompliance created switching costs for consumers
  82. Grey text in the news section
  83. Mr. Karmazin REG.Sho SOS!
  84. Tyler,Bradon is this true? why the 13d
  85. Clarity Of Authors
  86. Removing shares from shorting
  87. Karmazin's Unsophisticated Remark
  88. Interesting Article involving Sirius/XM from slashdot
  89. Lets Get Sirius!
  90. Mad Dog on SiriusXM
  91. Used Car Anecdote
  92. When will we see TV commercials?
  93. When will the bidding war between Apple, MSFT, and GOOG begin?
  94. Sirius Retail Watch
  95. Siriusbuzz Fantasy Football League
  96. Should Sirius Investor Sue Jim Cramer?
  97. So where's this big news after Labor Day?
  98. A Sirius Mess
  99. Why all the frustration
  100. Refinancing Debt
  101. Oct. 6th brings huhs?
  102. How long do you listen to Sirius XM a day?
  103. Apple App!
  104. New plan options - Good or Bad?
  105. Naked Shorts! About time.
  106. Holiday Sales Prediction - Decline
  107. Short Selling
  108. Cash Infusion
  109. Equation...
  110. TheStreet.com
  111. Rico?
  112. Sirius XM Website and Marketing
  113. "Short Selling": Be Careful What You Wish For
  114. Barron's - An Interesting Read
  115. Freer to speak at the Deutsche Bank Leveraged Finance Conference
  116. Beware of SiriusXM "automatic renewal"
  117. OMG! TheStreet.com publishes a POSITIVE article on SIRI??
  118. new member
  119. Don't Cry For Goldman!
  120. An idea for Sirus
  121. Radio Shack Report
  122. Is this deserving, another 10% haircut?
  123. Back to the 52 week low of $.68
  124. World is upside down
  125. explain ala carte prices
  126. Have Sirius Subscription, Have XM in my car, will I be able to add to Sirius account?
  127. Just got Sirius
  128. My Question about
  129. Someone please give hanx the boot.
  130. Using terrestrial repeaters for local programming?
  131. Sirius/XM commercial ideas...
  132. Charles, Do You Have Any New Info?
  133. Maybe?
  134. Vendor Expo
  135. $800 Billion Bailout Passes in House
  136. Bankrupt
  137. Sirius go to the FED Window?
  138. Joe Clayton joining Echostar’s board.....
  139. XM Programming on United International flights
  140. XM programming packages...
  141. Has Mel Lied?
  142. Contact me at savesirius@gmail.com
  143. what to do
  144. Mel karmazin a one shot wonder!
  145. Updated Subscriber Charts?
  146. Sirius sweatshop labor?
  147. New Member old investor
  148. Sirius Travel Link Video...
  149. Yea or nea to off-topic comments in the articles on the main page?
  150. LAWSUIT QUESTION: Re Michael Hartleib
  151. CASHING out NOW better for LONGs than a RS!!!
  152. Petition to Mel. (LINK)
  153. I finaly did it....well almost
  154. "Proposals Of Security Holders": Rule 14a-8???
  155. Never ending hardware updates
  156. Could this benefit Sirius??
  157. 3 months free sub
  158. A Question For Michael Hartleib
  159. Represenative at Stockholders Meeting
  160. Homer vs Hartleib Get your tickets!
  161. Apple needs Sirius/XM in the iPod...
  162. CNBC's FAST MONEY gives Sirius NO love.
  163. Microsoft files patent for Audio Profanity Tech
  164. Came acros this message on the yahoo board.
  165. XM made top 10 Christmas Gadget List!
  166. SIRIUS SC-VDOC1 Car Kit w/sporster replay
  167. Tyler No longer Posts Articles Here First?
  168. New Sirius Competitor?
  169. Fairness Doctrine.
  170. A Positive "Motley Fool" Article on Siri
  171. This is important...
  172. USA Today ads...three full pages
  173. 2007 Annual Report and Proxy Statement
  174. Interoperable Radio
  175. New Display At Radio Shack Daytona, FL
  176. Advert. in AAA mag. half page
  177. Jag, Delphi and Riaa against Hd/Satrad mandate
  178. Updating Channels
  179. Channel Assignments...
  180. Censored music!?!
  181. Pissed? Let your voice be heard!
  182. Disorder 33
  183. Mel,works for shareholders! cancles christmas tree
  184. Sirius Ad on NFL Network
  185. Best Buy...what a joke
  186. Signal Quality!
  187. StarPlayr for iPhone
  188. E-Gear Magazine Features SiriusXM
  189. XM Aviation Weather
  190. Mel thinks,just needs to hang tough Thur shakeout
  191. Bug allowed free access to Sirius radio service
  192. Stiletto Recordings
  193. A Positive Article on Siri
  194. Sirius Gift Pack on Sale
  195. Signal question ?
  196. Create Ads geared towards used vehicles
  197. Sirius TV
  198. XM Lifetime?
  199. Sirius XM Nickel and Dime Customers
  200. F this site
  201. Let's throw a shoe at MEL too...
  202. XM radio sending out messages to kill children?
  203. BBC Radio 1 on Directv
  204. Orbitcast hacked
  205. Holiday Gifts
  206. Stiletto 2 not recording
  207. Any difference?
  208. Xm subscribers got the better deal!!
  209. Follow SiriusBuzz on Twitter and Facebook
  210. Sirius/XM iPhone app is now in beta testing...
  211. Sirius Listening to Subscribers - Major Improvements!
  212. Sirius Cutomer Support Playing Dumb
  213. StarPlayr developers looking for support
  214. Apple's tiered pricing, No DRM, and 3G speeds...
  215. Sirius Free
  216. Lifetime Subscription Or Not?
  217. non-US resident problem
  218. Add XM radio to Sirius account
  219. I love sirius xm!
  220. Why the Sirius denial?
  221. Thousands of women possessed by SIRI - slip into trance...
  222. Mel Karmazin on Detriot Public TV
  223. Interesting Motley Fool Article
  224. Sirius XM channel updates galore
  225. i just got a chevy with xm
  226. Fight Back - Increased Pricing = Canceled Radios
  227. Phone call from Sirius
  228. "Aquiring Signal"...AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!
  229. How can I play my Starmate 5 at home?
  230. Am I the only one who heard Tyler last night.
  231. A Sirius Anecdote
  232. Charging for Internet Will Bring New Subscribers
  233. Could you switch from Sirius to XM with a Stilleto 2?
  234. Overcompressed Sound?
  235. 2nd Lifetime subscription
  236. Submitted to Apple
  237. Signal trouble in Phoenix, AZ
  238. Freaking out!!!
  239. Orbitcast
  240. Censorship: is it across all channels now?
  241. Sirius preparing possible bankrupty filing
  242. What is Mel doing now ?
  243. Satellite mogul Charles Ergen has offered Help
  244. Sirius Memo Button saving favoritte songs
  245. free activation offer
  246. Does Anyone Know "THE" Answer
  247. Mel saved the company?
  248. S&P Upgrade Sirius?
  249. liberty investment
  250. Ergen only offered $500 million!