Bubba The Love Sponge Gone From Sirius XM Radio
In breaking news it appears that Sirius XM radio personality Bubba The Love Sponge has severed ties with Sirius XM Radio and will no longer be broadcast on the subscription service, which aired his show on Howard 101, a Howard Stern branded channel. It appears that Bubba is announcing to the world over Twitter that there is no deal with Sirius XM. Adding fuel to the fire, Bubba is encouraging people to cancel the service.
Realistically speaking, the move is likely a very poor move for Bubba. He also has a terrestrial radio show, but his brand and style on radio are not very compatible with FCC regulations. Bubba has also been pumping an Internet Radio site called RadioIo, a public company. His agent has a substantial stake in the upstart Internet Radio company, and has stated many times that he may make a move to the RadioIo service.
The issue here is whether Bubba is really as big to subscribers as he is in his own mind. The real answer is that while he is wildly popular with some, he is not in the top tier of radio personalities, and at this point could be easily replaced on the Howard channels. Jay Thomas and Jason Ellis could be possibilities when it comes to filling out the Stern channel line-up.
Bubba The Love Sponge has ranted and complained for years now. The constant negative attitude was a detriment to the show, and many subscribers simply tuned out. He does have passionate fans that will support him and even buy and pump RadioIo stock, but when you consider the reduced size of his fan base, his latest move is destined for failure. Neither RadioIo nor Bubba The Love Sponge have enough cache to guarantee success.
The most foolish part of this whole mess is that once again Bubba is burning bridges. He claimed a loyalty to Howard Stern for giving him a second chance. He repays that kindness by telling subscribers who listen to Stern channels to cancel their service. Bubba simply is far too reactionary for his own good. He will rant and rave, but will people actually listen? The answer is no.
Position – Long Sirius XM Radio
I dropped a sub because of it.. I hate the suits.
i added a sub to cancel you out. i love the suits!
no you didnt dont lie like you do alot
I’m really surprised at this. Bubba’s style is taylor-made for uncensored radio and he made a good fit on 101. I know he wasn’t making much money with Sirius (so he says), but this is suicide.
Frankly, I am glad he is gone. The show is fine My dreams are getting better all the time and I would listen occasionally, but it’s expense and lack of exclusivity make it a poor fit for the channels. They would be better off playing Howard specials or giving any number of his staff their own shows. There are cheaper ways to provide better, exclusive content.
LOL – that “dreams” thing was accidentally pasted from when my father in-law asked me to look up a Doris Day song.
I meant to say:
Frankly, I am glad he is gone. The show is fine and I would listen occasionally, but it’s expense and lack of exclusivity make it a poor fit for the channels. They would be better off playing Howard specials or giving any number of his staff their own shows. There are cheaper ways to provide better, exclusive content.
I wonder how many of those people who tweeted about canceling Sirius/XM were just doing that so Bubba would re-tweet them?
Worst part about this is that Howard is to cheap and lazy to find a replacement so now we will get 24 hours non stop Howard on 2 channels.
probably all of them. it’s like whenever a caller or emailer threaten to cancel sirius because they’re upset with a specific element of stern’s show. i call bullshit on all of them.
wrong fetus face—
1-not cheap
2-not lazy
3-you’re an ass
He has burned bridges–before and now—he’s on his own at this point—while not a huge fan, I found him entertaining but by the same token, the Jay Thomas show on Friday is an absolute hoot–especially w/Schuli
I, too, like Jay’s show on Fridays. I’ve not been much of a Jay fan on Stars though. For some reason Jay on 101 is just better for some reason.
Bubba was not valuable…little if any advertising and just to white trash. He needs to leave and will do fine. If Mel could sell the advertising and felt he added subs he would be there. Time to move on. I doubt that Howard really cares.
Bubba-Bye and good luck on terrestrial. Never could get into his show, no matter how many times I tried… Good call Mel!
best thing he could have done was sign a 5 year contract with sirius, take less $$ then he wanted to and when Howard retires in 5 years(which will happen this time)he paid his dues, increased his fan base, has a following and is in the position to be offerred a nice salary as one of Howards replacements–Its taking one step back to take 2 forward in the future–Not good business forward decision here–The agent has a piece of the new venture hmmm
Way to go BUBBA! Your manager has an agenda and is playing you so he can dump his stock.
Radioio what a joke it was supposed to be a bargaining chip to show Sirius he had something goin on NOT,
What he had goin on was ,Bubba made a ton off his shitty merch,and the infomercials Dr. Mark,the Diacos ,and the attny to the stars ,who r they ?the stars , and dont forget hulkster
Bubba failed a long time ago,with Sirius Trying to push them ”management” around like they were his employees.
you have to be pretty smart/talented to survive by surrounding themselves with YesMen and Bubba you are not Either ,
hey brent hatley told ya so Stupid
radioio is the biggest joke. all online radio is, really. but radioio charges subscriptions. yeah ok. or i could get free music at slacker, last fm, pandora, shoutcast, and on and on. the concept of other people picking music for you to listen to is kinda dead anyway. to me it is.
i liked bubba’s show when i listened. i wonder how stern will react to bubba telling people to cancel? he said via twitter sirius is offering him $200k for his show. that seems like a good deal to me when all it is is his FL morning show repurposed. he also said on his twitter it was an 80% pay cut. so he was being paid a million to basically edit his morning show. unreal.
and he keeps retweeting people saying sirius customer service is telling them bubba is coming back. i believe all these tweets are lies. they just want bubba to RT them so they feel special. the same thing happened with stern when he was going thru his contract thing. callers to his show would say the sirius customer service reps told them he was definitely coming back. i call bullshit on them too. they just wanted to get on the show and wanted the attention and maybe have howard go off on BS news. and with bubba, they just want him to get worked up.
He’s no Howard Stern where the stock used to tank just on the streets perception that he might leave.
No biggie.I don’t believe he was bringing in enough subs to hurt the company anyway.
Sirius has risen above the days of desperation paying ridiculous salaries to try and keep disgruntled “talent.”
Who is Bubba? I’ve had Sirius and best of for years and not once ever tuned him in. How embarrassing for him that Dr. Laura will bring in 10x whatever the number of his listeners decide to cancel their subs. Enjoy the ride to further anonymity.
lol, you think Dr. Laura will bring in even one new subscriber?! IMHO she will be a total waste of money for SXM, just like oprah and the mad dog.
advertising advertising advertising….people will listen and she will sell….Bubba could not. In the short and long term SIRI needs both and needs to put in a roster of talent that provides both.
This article makes it sound like he wanted to leave, anyone that listens to him knows he wanted to stay at Sirius more than anything. But Bubba said the deal he was offered was a 80% pay cut, and I don’t blame him for leaving. Especially when sirius hands over millions to Oprah, Mad Dog, and Jamie Fox who know nothing about radio, and won’t add one single subscription. Sirius is the one who dropped the ball, I’m a shareholder and I’m really disappointed. Howard Stern is the most listened to show on Sirius, followed by Bubba, why would you screw over your #2 guy? This whole thing makes no sense! I’ll probably cancel one or two of my subscriptions…
Show me Where it says this guy is #2 they cant even track that stat dumb Shit
BULLSHIT!!!!! All his fat mouth does is trash Sirius and Cox, his bread and butter. He thinks he is high and mighty but now is getting a huge reality check! He only has 6 stations nation wide and used to have sirius. 200K for repurposed yet unedited shows with no new content sounds like a good deal to me. He said he wasnt going to do any live shows for sirius until he could be exclusive. so that meants that the 200K he was offered was for ALL REPLAYS of the morning show.I plan on paying the $4 to radioio to listen after the morning show. I love Bubbas show but his attitude and ego got him into this position.
It’s a shame. Sirius/XM resigned the talentless and bitter O n A and spends 3 mil on Mad Dog (who sucks), Oprah and the other gold digging, lazy crap fests. They probably won’t resign Ferrall who is the best sports show going.
I hope he does well as his show was really good in the early days.
O and A are good, way better than BTLS.
O & A suck!!!!!!! Jim Norton is funny though
Bubba is just too white trash. He cannot get advertisers. To me its like the early days of ESPN. When all you could get was tractor pulls you put it on. See many tractor pulls on ESPN anymore? Same reason Bubba is gone.
finally he was funny at time but screw him. i feel for spice, brent, manson, ned but screw bubba
You do Realize Ned is a voice done by manson right
Jim Breuer or MiserableMen would be more likely replacements.
Breuer & Ellis. I have a real hard time with Jay Thomas, I just dont find him funny enough for a daily spot
I think Breuer is a good call. He can develop and eventually replace Howard when he retires.
if this is true .i’m done with xm/sirus radio.its was the only show worth listening to on xm/sirus . so i think sirus should think this move .
Phil, you’ve been paying for a show that has been largely available for free for the last 3 years on Terrestrial radio.
You should have canceled sometime between now and then anyway. You’ve been cheating yourself.
Bubba, has shot his own self starting with the earthquake and then it snowballed to the wwe. You get what you ask for and bubba should be able to suck it up with his love sponge and move on
2 of my 4 subscriptions gone….Will find where Bubba goes however I am keeping some Sirius to listen to Howard. When Howard goes I am totally gone…
“far to reactionary”? Who proof-reads these, a third grader?
I second that!
Jason Ellis is an Aussie asshole and will bring down the Howard Stern channels. Bubba was the best thing on Sirius after Howard. I may have to cancel my 3 sub’s
Ellis is natural fit for the Stern channels. I don’t understand why ripping on Ellis is a natural reaction to Bubba making a poor business decision. I hope Howard rips on Bubba for telling people to cancel.
good riddens to bubba and crew here is your hat
What is “riddens”?? What are you trying to say? If you are trying for “good riddance”, you missed your mark. Bubba needs more educated people listening to him. Here’s your hat…..
listen up dummies , you wont have to pay anyone to listen Bubba on radioio it will be available to download for free, remember this is the internet and everything is free ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
and in 6 months someones wife from the brn will debut in adult films
I will be canceling my subscription.
Bubba is his own worst enemy. He constantly reminds listeners how powerful he is, how other djs rants about him don’t bother him, and how little money he makes. His power is in his mind only it seems. If if wasn’t for his hired help kissing his ass constantly, he may get over his egomania. If the other djs don’t bother him, why is he always trash talking them? And if he was as broke as he wants us to believe, would Heather even be close to his fat ass? I think not. Some of the show skits, stunts, and on air banter is pretty good, but it’s not that good. After you have heard the same warmed over crap so many times, you can tell what’s coming by the intro. I was a pretty dedicated listener for several years, then it became a little less and a little less. If I caught the show, fine, and if I didn’t, fine. When his contract was up the last time, people called into the show threatening to cancel their scrip and Bubba told them not to. Why? Because he knew all along he was coming back. The story preceding this comments section alludes that he told people to go on and cancel. That’s real loyalty to Howard isn’t it. How long before Hulk Hogan can no longer do anything for Bubba and he is yesterdays news also? Bubba will kiss anybodys ass as long as it puts a dollar in his pocket or gives him a name to drop. So Bubba’s gone. Big whoop. Best of luck to Sirius in the future. My scrip will stay active.
All done tomorrow morning.
Unlike Howard he can be easily replaced and like Spencer said he is no bigshot and most SIRI sub do not listen to him nor give a shit if he leaves.
I agree, his terrestrial show was being recoded and played daily which no one liked. Plus too much pro-wrestling BS.
Spencer has no clue and neather do you. Spencer is a sat radio mark and listens to all the bs they spew. As do you, the second highest rated show on sirius. Second to howard. Till sirius fucked him. Of course u wouldn’t know that
The best evidence that support my above post is the stock price it has been going up instead of down, investors would have sold SIRI if they knew that this Bubba whatever dude would make SIRIUS subscribers cancel.
If anyone in this world understands Bubba’s frustration with Sirius it’s Howard. Howard was ready to go his separate way as well as it got to the wire. The only voice Bubba has to get his point across to Sirius to understand is with cancellations. Don’t underestimate the Bubba Army.
Easily replaced by jason ellis my ass. Ellis only has a show because of his ties to extreme sports, and athletes alike. Bubba stated that his show was “college radio at best,” but that gives ellis to much credit. His show is ham radio at best. With a sound board. If siriusxm wasn’t such star fuckers, making bullshit deals with people with NO radio experience whatsoever, these issues would of been avoided. Bubbas pissed at the royal fjob he’s receiving and I can’t say I blame him. I wouldn’t put up with that kind of disrespect a month, let alone four years. The writer of this article should be dismissed for stating opinionated information,and doing selectional research. This is a ridiculous story to put out there. Here’s an opinion for this sirius ballsucker, howard should of left as well, and watch siriusxm fall under the weight of shit radio. Seriously, who pays $50,000,000 for someones show to air an hour a week.
If Bubba is lucky he might get 2 cancellations. His show was irrelevant.
I came to Sirius for Howard and found Bubba! Now that he has been let go then I will let my 4 subs go to. I love to listen to Howard but he is going to cut back to 3 days a week and I am not paying for that. So in my case the way I see it, this could end up costing Sirius big time. Howard hasn’t been the same without Artie now no Bubba! So F**k this place it’s bullshit I am outta here!!
You’ll never leave until Howard does. What else are you goimg to listen to?
There are many great podcasts out there, like Joe Rogan, Adam Carolla, etc. Howard’s show is not worth the $20 a month that Sirius charges for their subscription. With Howard and Bubba both, I was willing to pay the $20. However; now I am not sure if I will remain a subscriber for 3 days of Howard and a bunch old replays.
I here you today show kinda sucked with the rap up show over at 11
you have to tote the company line now dont you? spencer osborne. did you take a pay cut so sirius can pay for martha and oprah? tens of millions for 2 hours of content a week. and for what? do they drag subscriptions? i doubt it. the two “replacements” you mentioned couldnt shine bubbas shoes, nor can they provide compelling content day in and day out. youll never admit it, but theres been a mass defection to RADIO IO. its been documented on twitter. soon , before you know it howards gonna retire. then what? whats next for the monopoly? i doubt youll even post this-CS
both services are internet streamers spencer so dont say radio io “doesnt have enough cache”. autos aside, its the same delivery mechanism. whats the difference between sirius or radio io on a smartphone? same delivery. BTW now that sirius is on smartphones , when will you be refunding all the poor people who bought those stillettos? the point is dont forget where you came from spencer. sirius was the little guy once upon a time. dont get complacent sirius, the next big thing could be right around the corner. might just pass you by while your busy patting yourself on the back. -CS
The diff between Sirius and radio io on a smart phone is the content. Would you rater have a steak at Friday’s or Mortons? The delivery (waiter) is the same, but the content on the plate is what makes the superior product. Why would I, or Sirius XM for that matter refund on stilettos? The Stilettos offer more content (sat feed) and do not require Internet streaming to operate (a $2.99 per month fee). By that logic Dell should refund you for your laptop because you can get Internet on your cell phone now. Don’t be so embroiled in this. It will all work out. Bubba is a big enough boy to stomach some criticism, and he will still take my call. He knows I am a straight shooter
There is no company line to tote. I have no affiliation with Sirius XM at all, nor do I receive any compensation from them. What you are attempting to do is deflect the subject with unsupported accusations. Radioio’s reach on the net is a little above this modest site (SiriusBuzz). Does radioio have a good product? sure. However, they do not have the cache of Sirius XM, Pandora, Slacker, or even MOG.
By the way….I published your comment….unlike some, I welcome a contrary opinion, and don’t desire to be surrounded by “Yes Men”
Spence, you are aware that I can stream the show through my car sterio using the same technology avalable to siriusxm? Difference is the cheap fm transmitter I use doesn’t cut out like sirius xms does
One more thing spenc, I can listen almost anywhere, weather I’m in my car, at the shop or just walking around through the reach of my smartphone. So who has a better reach??? Learn how to work.
certainly you can listen anywhere….reach was referring to internet hits….not listening….You have to get to radioio on the net to listen. You seem to think i am anti Bubba…I am not. In fact I have written many positive pieces on Bubba. I am critical of the way he acts around contracty negotiations. I spoke to Brent just yesterday, and have a piece coming up to promote whatever it is Bubba does going forward. You see, I am a straight shooter, and will write both sides….Something tells me you wont be praising SiriusBuzz when that happens though.
I came to Sirius for Howard, and I will leave Sirius for Bubba.
Howard’s show has become a shadow of what it once was. Howard sold his balls to SIRI.
Bubba’s balls aren’t for sale, and that is what I love about him.
I cancelled two of my three subscription three years ago because I was tired of paying to listen to replays of Howard’s show. Howard has not put any effort into his show since he got the rights to his old shows from CBS. I kept one subscription because I liked Bubba’s show and then I could listen to Howard if did a show worth listening to on certain days. Once Sirius started replaying Bubba’s terrestrial radio show I decided to cancel my final subscription because I could listen to Bubba free on theboneonline. Sirius calls, so many times that I now recognize the number, and emails me trying to get me to reactivate my subscriptions at 5 months for $20. I’m looking forward to listen to Bubba’s new uncensored show on radioio.com and find it unfortunate that Sirius has made such poor decision in the hiring of radio talent. How many subscriptions has Mad Dog Russo, Oprah, Martha Stewart and etc. brought to Sirius in exchange for the millions of dollars they are being paid. I’m also a little disappointed that Howard is so greedy that he can’t spare a few million for programming to keep his channels entertaining for his fans who spent thousands of dollars to subscribe to Sirius. Compare the first year of Howard 100 & 101 and tell me if the quality of programming has not dropped drastically. All you people who still pay for Howard, just wait to see how many days off he gets with his new deal-there is reason the terms of the contract were not disclosed!
As far as I’m concerned we haven’t had Bubba (ex Fridays) since they started replaying his FCC-ok show in the afternoons. The first I heard Bubba was on Sirius so I just could not stomach the censored replay. It’s great to here those guys having fun doing their job and not being choked off by FCC regs.
It’s too bad the Sirius wigs pay non radio folks for on-the-job training.
Sirius, please pay the pros to do a pro job. It’s that easy.
I believe Sirius made a big mistake here. They waste money on Oprah and Maddog. And steal from the real radio talents if I didn’t have a lifetime membership I would cancel. Hope the guys from rawdog don’t get screwed next!!
Big mistake by sirius. Bubba has a huge following, you think that oprah has more listeners, ha! I’m a huge howard fan but jay thomas sucks they should fire him and that asshole ellis and give bubba their money. I have another idea also instead of paying paul mcartney all that money for a private concert for the “fans” maybe they should have gave it to bubba. Sirius wastes more money on shitty talent they should keep the talent that matters. We will follow bubba!!
I’ve canceled my sub and my friend at work just canceled his this morning. Bubba was the best thing on sirius and RadioIo is supper easy to use we’re already listening this morning. And they’re replaying his show at noon WITHOUT commercials!!! Srcew sirius!
are you kidding sirrus needs to figure out who their listners are. House wives are watching TV business folks Bloomberg, truckers want Bubba, not Ophra or cosmo the reason bubba ia bitchin, is because he gettin screwed
Come back Bubba. At least Ferrall is back (for now).
sirius has no clue what subscribers want. martha, opra, jamie fox,
dr.laura, johnnie knoxville. like we cant get enough of theese clowns for free.
bob dylan, tom petty,and other artist less memorable do not provide
concistent compelling content.
mad-dog, opie and dopie, likewise.jason ellis all profanity,no
bubba was the future after howard, original,compelling radio vet-
erans,with a proven track record and loyal fan base.
i have listened to bubba for 13 years. i purchased sirius for bubba, i will leave without him.
once howard is gone sirius will be history.
i wont be listening as they die, i’ll just watch the stocks.
Mad Dog Russo, Oprah, Martha Stewart and etc. Will never have as many fans as bubba had people are right howard really jumep the shark on this one he sold his ball soul and a good freind out big time if they put jason ellis in that spot what a slap in the face to bubba howard will always be the king but he needs to help out the one person who would have his back at the drop of a dime SIRIUS really messed up big time . All that money they gave Mad Dog Russo and no body ever heres his channel I don’t even know what channel he is on come on sirius stop the BS on sign the SPONGE
Funny the 3 names u mentionned ALL have MANY more fans than Bubba….
NOT ON RADIO! stupid!
All I can say is Good Riddance you tub of goo!!!! Maybe Howard 101 can go back to being entertainment instead of a referendum on Bubba’s liberal ideology and wrestling knowledge! His show used to be pretty funny, not on the level of Howard, or O&A for that matter, but it did have its own little niche, not any more, it is basically a B***h session interupted by wrestling talk, and Bubba patting himself on his back for what he does for LEO’s. A great man once said “If you tell people about your charity, you arent doing it for charity sake” and that couldnt be truer
Bubba does great work for fallen police officers and has donated thousands to these widows as well as the children of these hereos
Im one of the original 600K subscribers. Almost a yr. before Howard arrived. Sirius not resigning Bubba is the 3rd show they have canceled that I called my favroite. Ive had it with their B.S. and cancelled my sub. Sun am. I also canceled my satilite TV more than a yr. ago for alot of the same reasons, a whole bunch of nothing on. My power and voice is in my pocket book. Although it was a good deal at the time Im so glad I dident buy a life time sub.
bye bye bubba thank god he is not that good of a broadcaster
They should replace Bubba. His schtick is old. Too much nascar and wrestling talk. They should hire Shannon Burke from Real Radio 104.1 FM talk in Orlando.
Blubba? Scott FaHack? Who cares? Listening to Hoo Hoo’s channel is the auditory version of a prostate exam. Fun for some, but not my cup of tea. I gave them time to be entertaining and they weren’t. Bubba just whines, complains, and cries every time something doesn’t go his way. And for all the times he said he was “ready to quit”, well, karma’s a bitch, just like that fake tough-guy Bubba.