There is obviously a long list of things Sirius XM can and will do to grow their subscriber base over the course of the next year. Lets simply concentrate for a minute on what I consider the low-hanging fruit this company could put into action today — with very little effort.

Utilize Social Deal of the Day Websites

It is no secret that social deal of the day websites like Groupon and LivingSocial are all the rage now a days so, why not take advantage of it? This past weekend I watched my local car detailing shop sell 1,260 full car detailing packages in one 24 hour period. This local dealership is going to wind up detailing more cars from this one day deal then they did all of last year.

Just think for a second what that could mean for Sirius XM if they decided to run a nationwide campaign on Groupon – we are talking about tens to hundreds of thousands of new subscribers in one day.

All it would take is for Sirius XM to offer a 50% off a one year subscription and limit it to new activations. You would see more users than any Monday Night Football add ever produced, for half the cost.

Side Note: Hey Groupon, I want my cut of the proceeds when Sirius XM takes this great advice.

Turn Inactive Hardware Into Selling Machines

There are too many inactive Sirius XM radios sitting out there in the dashboards of cars to not somehow make use of them. Rather than scrolling a number to activate, Sirius XM should turn the one default channel into a 24 hour infomercial.

Imagine how enticing it would be for potential customers to constantly hear “best of” clips from the various exclusive shows in the Sirius XM lineup. The company could even target different loops of content for different times of the day with some daytime talk in the mornings, music in the afternoons, and uncensored radio at night.

How much more effective would those unused radios be if people were hearing a couple of minutes of the same compelling content subscribers are treated to every day, followed by a call to action from the likes of Oprah, Martha, or Howard? It’s safe to say that the cost vs benefit on this one is a no brainer.

Capitalize on Viral Marketing

I don’t know how Sirius XM missed this one but, for the past few weeks the entire nation has been riveted by the homeless DJ Ted Williams and more importantly, his new Mac & Cheese contract. We watched in amazement as the man with the golden voice appeared on every major news outlet, talk-show, and nationwide radio show with the ever present reminder of his deal with Kraft Mac & Cheese. Imagine if that was Sirius XM instead of Kraft?

For just a few grand Sirius XM could have locked up this guy and his 15 minutes of fame as a George Takei type announcer on the Howard Stern Show. The entire nation would have been forced to read this story over and over again with the Sirius XM and Howard Stern brand all over it.

Talk about a good return on investment! For the price of a single prime time television ad spot they could not only driven brand awareness but also gained hundreds of thousands of permanent backlinks to their website from all over the net.

The year is 2011 Sirius XM. Its time to start hiring some new blood, thinking about creative ways to build your brand, and driving new customers to this company. Now is the time, your growth is more important than ever, seize this moment and solidify yourself as the future of entertainment.

When you’re ready for some of that new blood, give me a call, I think you’ll find my consulting fee quite reasonable.