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    01-07-2019, 07:38 PM #381
    While our immigrant-hating President seems to be torn between building a 35-foot-high concrete wall or a 35-foot-high steel wall, author/historian/Dartmouth professor Pamela Kyle Crossley has written an article for explaining why neither option will be effective. She points out, among other things, that "people can now fly" and the United States has "two long coasts."

    Walls don't work

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    01-07-2019, 11:07 PM #382
    At a press conference today, Donald Trump said building a border wall is "something that should have been done by all the Presidents that preceded me." All of them? That's what he said. He added, "And they all know it. Some of them have told me that we should have done it."

    Gerald Ford never said that. Jimmy Carter never said that. Ronald Reagan never said that. George H.W. Bush never said that. Bill Clinton never said that. George W. Bush never said that. Barack Obama never said that. That's just another one of Trump's lies. The Washington Post is cautioning the major networks that Trump's January 8 anti-immigrant, pro-wall speech will be "agitprop" filled with lies, distortion and misinformation:

    Trump wants the networks to carry his speech live. They should look at these charts of his lies.

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    01-08-2019, 02:06 AM #383
    Liar, liar, pants on fire -- and the orange flames match the color of his skin.

    All four living former Presidents refute Trump's claims they privately expressed support for border wall

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    01-08-2019, 05:23 PM #384
    Donald Trump tells an average of 15 lies a day and he has several lackeys such as Sarah Sanders and Mike Pence who try hard to convince us that Trump's lies aren't really lies. Sorry, we're not buying it.

    How Mike Pence tried (and failed) to explain away another Trump fabrication
    Chris Cillizza, CNN, Jan 8 2019 12:05 PM

    Vice President Mike Pence is pretty familiar with cleaning up messes created by President Donald Trump's tendency to say things that have zero factual basis. And yet he doesn't appear to be getting any better at it. Take Pence's failed attempt this morning to explain away Trump's truth-free claim that past Presidents had told him building a border wall was necessary.

    When Trump made the statement -- "This should have been done by all of the presidents that preceded me. And they all know it. Some of them have told me that we should have done it" -- last Friday during a Rose Garden press conference, it seemed odd on its face. Trump, who prides himself on not being like anyone who has held the office before him and has frosty relationships with the living past Presidents, somehow had a conversation with some of them in which it was made plain to him that they knew they should have built a border wall on their watch?

    A few calls to the offices of the living Presidents revealed the falsehood. All four ex-Presidents said they had not spoken with Trump about the wall at all, which makes it impossible for them to have told him that they knew he was doing the right thing with the wall -- and that they should have done the same thing. Enter Pence, who was asked by NBC's Hallie Jackson to specifically name who Trump was referring to, Pence punted: "I know the President has said that that was his impression from previous administrations, previous Presidents. I know I've seen clips of previous Presidents talking about the importance of border security, the importance of addressing the issue of illegal immigration."

    That's a remarkable bit of spin from Pence. See, when the President said that past presidents "have told me that we should have" built the wall before, what he meant to say was the he was under the "impression" they believed that. How did Trump get that impression? And does he understand the difference between a sense or a feeling about something and actually being told it? Pence offered no clues other than to say that he had seen past "clips" of Presidents talking about why border security is important.

    There's a Grand Canyon-sized gulf between a past President telling Trump directly that the wall is something that should have been done in the past and the Vice President noting that he has seen ex-Presidents on TV saying border security is important. Pence knows this. He has to. He knows how this "defense" comes off. And he knows that it comes off badly. So why do it? Because Pence also knows that the only audience that matters is Trump. And the only way to please Trump is to defend him -- facts be damned.

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    01-08-2019, 08:45 PM #385
    CNN's Erin Burnett just showed a montage of Trump, Pence, Sarah Sanders and Kellyanne Conway individually declaring that there is a "border crisis." In a single day, they used the phrase 37 times. Burnett pointed out that "saying there's a border crisis does not make it so."

    She also played a clip of Pence saying "4,000 terrorists" have been apprehended at our southern border since 2001. The actual number is 12. Twelve! (Sanders has made the same false statement.) Burnett asked, "So Trump wants to spend $25 billion, and maybe more, on a border wall to keep 12 people out?" And the 12 didn't even get into the US!

    Finally, Burnett played a clip of Trump insisting "we need a wall to keep drugs from coming into our country." She showed pictures of the wall that separates southern California from Mexico. Then she showed video of some of the tunnels that drug smugglers have used. Yep, they simply tunnel under the wall -- and 60 tunnels have been discovered since 2001. Sixty!

    To sum up: There is no "border crisis" and Trump's expensive, stupid, medieval wall -- the one he promised Mexico would pay for -- would have no effect on illegal immigration and the flow of drugs. But our immigrant-hating President promised his immigrant-hating followers a wall and he said he will keep government shut down for "months or even years" until he gets billions of dollars from US taxpayers so he can get started on his "big beautiful wall." How pathetic.

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    01-08-2019, 10:59 PM #386
    On January 4, the State Department said in a statement, "There is no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the US." Donald Trump, Mike Pence and Sarah Sanders, however, keep repeating the lie that 4,000 terrorists have crossed our southern border. The truth is: There is no "border crisis" or "national emergency" and we do not need to waste billions of dollars on an unnecessary, ineffective, 15th-century border wall.

    Trump's claim of terrorists streaming over border 'simply isn't true,' experts say

    Reality check: More terrorists have entered the United States from Canada than from Mexico

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    01-09-2019, 12:14 AM #387
    Here are the highlights of Donald Trump's nationally televised speech -- or, more accurately, high lies:

    "All Americans are hurt by uncontrolled illegal migration." (Immigrants, whether legal or illegal, have jobs and pay taxes and are far less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans.)

    "At the request of Democrats, it will be a steel barrier rather than a concrete wall." (Democrats made no such request. Democrats do not want any kind of wall.)

    "The wall will be paid for indirectly by the great new trade deal we made with Mexico." (The US-Mexico-Canada Agreement has not been approved by Congress -- and if it is approved and if it results in higher tax revenue, Trump could not spend that money without approval by Congress.)

    "How much American blood must we shed before Congress does its job? It is immoral that politicians do nothing and continue to allow more American citizens to be so horribly victimized." (What the hell is he talking about?)

    And if you placed a bet on how many times Trump would say "crisis," you're a winner if you said six.

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    01-09-2019, 04:14 PM #388
    Letter from George Giacoppe of Riverside in today's Los Angeles Times:

    "Trump continues to weaken our actual security by all but assuring that Transportation Security Administration employees and Coast Guard members will work without pay so hecan get some money for his border wall. In fact, according to multiple reports, no one has been arrested on terrorism charges at our southern border in the last few years. In contrast, about 4,000 people were prevented by the Department of Homeland Security from entering the United States in 2017, mainly at sea and airports.

    When will we admit that Trump only wants to save face politically? There is no invasion, hundreds of soldiers lost family time during the holidays because they were deployed to the border, and now the people who make up our first line of security on our coasts and at airports may soon go without pay. There is no emergency. Trump lies."

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    01-09-2019, 05:37 PM #389
    Here is the latest tweet from the monomaniacal President who has bragged repeatedly about being a "great deal-maker" and a "great negotiator" and who will pout and stomp his feet and whine and whine and keep 800,000 federal employees out of work until he gets his expensive, ineffective, unnecessary, medieval wall:

    "Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time. I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!"

    Trump walks out of shutdown meeting, calling talks 'total waste of time'

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    01-09-2019, 05:47 PM #390
    D'Antonio, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, author and commentator, has written or co-written 20 books including the 2015 biography Never Enough: Donald Trump & The Pursuit Of Success

    Trump makes clear he isn't up to the job
    Michael D'Antonio, CNN, Jan 9 2019 1:10 PM

    Donald Trump used his first televised Oval Office address to look the American people in the eye and do what he has done more than 7,000 times in less than two years: lie, distort and deflect. It was the performance we all should have expected based on his false premise that a security emergency exists on the border with Mexico.

    Trump's specific distortions included the false claim that Democrats "will not fund border security" and that a border wall, of the sort he promised to build, "will quickly pay for itself." Presumably these statements were made to divert attention from the fact that Democrats want to debate the approach to security, not the need for it. The idea that the wall will pay for itself is a fantasy meant to replace his oft stated campaign promise that Mexico would finance the construction.

    He also blamed Democrats for a government shutdown he agreed he would "own" during a televised meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. The worst of Trump's all-too-predictable talk involved his description of undocumented immigrants committing violent crimes, which he offered to gin up fear about the nonexistent crisis. He failed to mention the two asylum-seeking children who died in his administration's custody last month, and then Trump had the nerve to speak of the nation's heart and soul.

    As always, it seems the big takeaway from this Trump speech is the one that he has offered us many times before: As President, he has too little respect for the office he holds and the people he serves. We deserve better.