I know Utopia was a weird channel, but it was my favorite. Now channel 55 has become a Garth Brooks station. Really? Garth Brooks? There were other electric music stations that would have been better choices to get rid of. When I have to do 6+ hour drives I listen to Utopia and bounce around to the beat to keep myself awake. The closest station to that sound is 54 and it pulls music from the 70's, which isn't my style. I prefer the 90's sound along with a whole generation of listeners.

Did the people who executed this decision decide that since it was the closest electric music station to the country stations it would be the easiest to get rid of and just slip in the extra Garth station? Please do a little more research when you make changes to your music channels. That was a lazy solution and it's really got me bummed out =(. Please return my favorite station to me.