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  1. octanedude is offline
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    02-14-2016, 09:55 PM #1

    How often are Sirius members offered a lifetime subscription for a large fee?

    Hi all,
    I'm really serious about getting sirius xm (the lifetime subscription).

    I know back in 2000 they were offering it, but now you can only get it if your offered it while being a subscriber. But how often is it offered to members?. I don't have it yet. I just want a lifetime subscription.


  2. Melissa Caldwell is offline
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    05-23-2016, 06:30 AM #2
    The Lifetime package as of this time, isn't offered to anyone anymore. It was short lived just around the time of the merger. But, it wasn't for YOUR lifetime, it was for the life of the RADIO...So, trading vehicles, defective equipment, etc, Should be only those major events that would be the down side...depending on how you go about things like that...