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  1. SiriuslyLong is offline
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    Joined: Jan 2009 Location: Ann Arbor, MI Posts: 3,560
    11-01-2011, 10:55 AM #1

    ‘It Gets Heated’: Twin Sisters Divided Over Occupy Wall Street

    "Pro" OWS twin:

    “[Jill Carty] lacks a fundamental understanding of structural oppression that is inexcusable and immature,” she said. “She just really trusts capitalism and doesn’t recognize that capitalism is kind of responsible for a lot of the injustices we have in the world.”

    "Con" OWS twin:

    “I’d be very much more pleased if she [Nicole Carty] would be able to come up with solutions to these problems [voiced by protesters] that use the tools of the country and the world like economics and things that I feel have potential really to change the way that things work and the way people behave,” Jill Carty said.

    What a difference!!! I love the way the "pro" sister attacks her sibling while the "con" sister appears to look for dialog. Does it remind anyone of anything? LOL.

  2. SiriuslyLong is offline
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    11-01-2011, 10:56 AM #2
    I'd love to hear Nicole's alternative to capitalism.

  3. SiriuslyLong is offline
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    Joined: Jan 2009 Location: Ann Arbor, MI Posts: 3,560
    11-02-2011, 04:35 PM #3
    This is discussion worthy.