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  1. SiriuslyLong is offline
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    Joined: Jan 2009 Location: Ann Arbor, MI Posts: 3,560
    11-10-2010, 03:09 PM #1

    Breaking News on the Bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Refo

    The proposed recommendations are in. Formal report to be issued in early Dec. 14/18 Commissioners need to approve.

    I'm going from memory here

    - reduce corporate tax base rate
    - eliminate mortgage interest tax deduction (end all deductions and decrease base tax rates)
    - cut Pentagon spending
    - eliminate earmarks
    - cut spending / farm subsidies / entitlements
    - reduce foreign aid
    - freeze federal salaries for 3 yrs
    - something to do with medical
    - raise the age for SS to 68 (I'll be dead by then!!) Rich folks would pay a little more.

    It looks like everything is on the table. Havakasha - it looks like "austerity" is forthcoming.

    Here's a link. I was hoping for something more comprehensive.
    Last edited by SiriuslyLong; 11-10-2010 at 03:46 PM.