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  1. SiriMonkey is offline
    10-27-2009, 11:33 AM #11
    Quote Originally Posted by mrmertz View Post
    Naw - you haven't been slacking at all. It's just been so dead in here (again, relationship to how SIRI performs) I even debated on whether we really NEEDED to start a thread for this week! I told my buddy here at work that I don't bother to check how SIRI is doin' anymore, all I do is check how many posts there are on the daily forum here and I can use that as a gauge as to how well SIRI is doin'. And by the way, you give good weather reports.

    Thanks mrm, for your helping out. I always like reassurance that I am
    doing a good job even when I'm not. I am anal that way. And I am sure
    out in Arizona, land of the sun, you eagarly await my Michigan weather
    report. Nice of you to say even though I don't believe you. lol

    Speaking of anal, SRK, I have been walking to the mailbox twice
    daily in anticipation of that airline ticket to paradise that you spoke of.
    Or are we talking Dutch treat? If that's the case, I wonder if Northwest
    takes layaways? If not, maybe we can work something out. I can give
    you all the weather reports you can handle. Pass the suntan lotion

    Hope everyone has a good day.


    P.S. Almost forgot mrm, cloudy but warm today. 58. Not warm by your
    standards, but warm by mine. And my standards are really low.
    I own Sirius stock.

  2. Hopeful is offline
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    10-27-2009, 12:12 PM #12

    Short interest dropped again, however the stock is doing nothing!

  3. mrmertz is offline
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    10-27-2009, 12:18 PM #13
    Quote Originally Posted by julietoo View Post
    P.S. Almost forgot mrm, cloudy but warm today. 58. Not warm by your standards, but warm by mine. And my standards are really low. I own Sirius stock.
    That "P.S." is a good one! Speaking of low, SIRI was at .57 last time I checked. What gives?

    If everyone thought .60 was a K-Mart blue light special, you must be lovin' it at .57! I'm still holding out for .45-.48 range. (Okay, the reality is I bought at .6347...whatta sucka!) is currently 66 degrees here at 9am and everyone is running around in sweatshirts and all. Seems chilly for October when you are used to 110 all summer long.

  4. mrmertz is offline
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    10-27-2009, 12:21 PM #14
    Hopeful...short interest is definately declining according to the link. Why does SIRI keep falling?

    Last time we had a run-up before the opening we had 1-2 million on volume. Now...pphhhtttt!

    I'm begining to wish this thing would do a R/S.
    Last edited by mrmertz; 10-27-2009 at 12:22 PM. Reason: spell

  5. bdp is offline
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    10-28-2009, 10:04 AM #15
    Why is Sirius is trading so crazy?
    It should be climbing steadily by now. Unless the Q3 earnings are suspected to be deficient, there is no logical reason.
    Perhaps there is pressure for a last minute bargain grab, or maybe Sirius is just the piece of crap it has been made out to be. Maybe we have all been blinded by the pipe dream of our shares being actually valuable at some point giving the MM's an easy opportunity to take our money a penny at a time while we wait patiently for that magic $1. (if you look at level II, you can see the flood of MM orders controlling the sp) Well, I am going to stick with a bit of all occurring. I believe all the downward pressure by the lame press leading up to now hasn't helped matters either. I am still holding and buying any chance I get though. I am quite certain come Q3 day, we will see a last minute run up of at least .10-.15 (or even more). That would be the time to bail as all the buys that were made and held at these current prices will become massive profit taking and we will surely be right back here again, or not very far from it. Selling now, however, would be down right stupid. So I guess patience is the answer? Anyone?

  6. njb is offline
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    10-28-2009, 10:14 AM #16


    Some good news today,Cramers viewers dropped 52%, also CNBC lost 50% of its viewers.

  7. underway is offline
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    10-28-2009, 10:39 AM #17
    I'm holding long. Q3 CC should be good. I'm liking Mel's statement of a few weeks ago that RS was NOT on the table. He knows the numbers already and made that statement. I'm going with it. I'm thinking if the Q3 numbers were poor, he would have dodged the question. I'm standing pat on my SIRI hand. Just sayin'

  8. mrmertz is offline
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    10-28-2009, 01:53 PM #18
    ...nothing is heard except of the sound of the wind, an occasional tumbleweed drifting by and the far off distant howl of a lone coyote...

  9. mrmertz is offline
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    10-28-2009, 02:16 PM #19
    I think right now would be a good time for Mel to break out his tophat and cane once more, and a good solid rumor started by MotleyFool and that SIRI is once again going to be bought out by Google.

    Somebody please put this stock out of its misery.

  10. Sirius Roadkill is offline
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    10-28-2009, 06:33 PM #20

    Cnbc is a joke!

    Quote Originally Posted by njb View Post
    Some good news today,Cramers viewers dropped 52%, also CNBC lost 50% of its viewers.
    Excellent reporting NJB . .

    Could you post the link for that story over here or just copy the whole source (with proper credit)

    I would love to start a new thread with that story . . because I am such a big Jim Cramer fan . . NOT!

    CNBC better send Melissa "Hyapatia" Lee out to do a few more porn stories . . . those are always big ratings grabbers . . . and what better way to perpetuate an unfortunate racial stereotype . . . that's CNBC for ya . . . home of Cramerica!

    Hey Socal . . . I know you are lurking you rat bastard . . just tell me bro . . . have you ever been to see Jesse Jane at that club? Hmmm?

    p.s. you probably have to be over 45 to get the "Hyapatia Lee" reference . . or just go to wikipedia . . Relmor would probably grant an exception in this one instance.
    Last edited by Sirius Roadkill; 10-29-2009 at 09:50 AM.

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