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  1. SiriuslyLong is offline
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    09-19-2009, 06:00 PM #151
    Quote Originally Posted by doctorex View Post
    doctorex will explain the importance of a stock split with an analogy.

    a forward split, big shares into little shares, is exactly like this: you go to the bank, and you give the teller a $100 bill, and she gives you 2 $50 bills in exchange.

    a reverse stock split (little shares into big shares) is exactly like this: you got to the bank, take 5 10-dollar bills, give them to the teller, and she gives you one 50-dollar bill.

    but, you may ask, that means the stock split, forward or backward, has no importance whatsoever. this is correct. the split has no importance whatsoever. the dividends are adjusted for it, the books and records are adjusted for it, the shareholders votes are adjusted for it, and the stock price is adjusted for it too, and so on in every conceivable way.


    like the doctorex puzzle, for example. what is the word sirius stockholders are forbidden to say, written in plus one code?

    n p o p q p m z
    Good post Doctorex even if you refer to yourself in the third person LOL. I broke the code. Nice, but even if you have a npopqpmz, people still need to want the product, and the company offering the product needs to do so at a profit. One is more problematic than the other.

  2. relmor2003 is offline
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    09-19-2009, 11:08 PM #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Ben View Post
    There is a pre-requisite to be clueless about debt to invest in Sirius?

    they're paying $400mil/yr in interest -- that ALONE will sink them. not to mention the nearly $4 bil in principal to pay back.

    you guys talk about how they are nearly making money EXCLUDING interest.... guess what? that won't save you from bankruptcy. including interest they are losing money hand over fist and it's getting worse every is it a pre-requisite to be clueless about debt to invest in Sirius?

    they're paying $400mil/yr in interest -- that ALONE will sink them. not to mention the nearly $4 bil in principal to pay back.

    you guys talk about how they are nearly making money EXCLUDING interest.... guess what? that won't save you from bankruptcy. including interest they are losing money hand over fist and it's getting worse every quarter as they issue more debt to buy more time.... (only reason they want more time is for management to pay themselves their ridiculous salaries)

    the debt holders own this company - it's just a matter of time... the common is worthless.

    one of you SIRI bulls show me - in numbers - how they will come out of this pleasequarter as they issue more debt to buy more time.... (only reason they want more time is for management to pay themselves their ridiculous salaries)

    the debt holders own this company - it's just a matter of time... the common is worthless.

    one of you SIRI bulls show me - in numbers - how they will come out of this please.

    Finally someone with a brain.
    I knew you would show your colors eventually. If you really need these questions answered, then you haven't been listening very well obviously. Go back and read some posts. Just click on john, and read his post history, or Homer, or Irish, or Friggen. Roadkill makes some good points too. Tons of intelligent posters here who could grill you all day. Get your number 2 pencil out, and begin to take notes. To think I actually would offer trade advice to your sorry ass. Im glad you missed the big move, but you would have to own the stock first. Dont believe you ever have. Im done with you.

  3. relmor2003 is offline
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    09-19-2009, 11:11 PM #153
    Quote Originally Posted by john View Post
    underway, I have said as much myself, before. That fact is though (and doctorex finally made a good post) if someone was in the market to buy SIRIXM then they are in the market to be buying satellite radio. The value in satellite radio is the millions of subs they have.
    Great to see your posts coming alive John. Love your stuff man. I read everything you write, whether I post or not.

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