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  1. Demian is offline
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    04-07-2009, 05:17 PM #131
    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon Matthews View Post
    Could we maybe move this intraday offtopic, absolutely nothing to do with stocks of any kind off of the stock discussion forum and into general?
    The benefits of having this off-topic intraday thread right next to the main intraday thread are very clear. It has cut down the off-topic posts in the main intraday thread by a huge margin. There are now like two thirds less posts in the main intraday thread - making it much more concise, timely, manageable and readable. People don't respond well to censorship and I think this is the best alternative for keeping the main intraday thread sane, while also preserving the sense of community and freedom that members of this board seem to want...

    While the off-topic thread has been getting more posts per day, the main intraday thread still gets more views. I'm sure all of those that aren't interested in sifting through a bunch of off-topic posts in the main intraday thread appreciate this...
    Last edited by Demian; 04-07-2009 at 05:31 PM.

  2. Demian is offline
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    04-07-2009, 05:41 PM #132
    Quote Originally Posted by exilejeff View Post
    as christians, we weren't put on the earth to police non-believers, that is what God does.....they will pay in hell.....everyone has the right to spread lies and try to gain followers of their belief isn't our job to "stop" them or to "kill" people who do not go along with our beliefs......we would be no different then nazis......

    everyone has a freewill to choose, that is why you have to be stronger as a christian, be an example, and change the propaganda engrained in their heads
    "They will know we are Christians by our love.........."

    Have you ever hear that hymn sung in church?

    Is the "Christian" United States showing their faith to the world with love or might?

  3. relmor2003 is offline
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    04-07-2009, 05:43 PM #133
    Quote Originally Posted by Demian View Post
    One thing that I like about the Native American culture is that they have a lot of respect for nature and their elders. They don't discard older people and the wisdom that they possess the way the majority do in America...
    Ya, I love their sweat tents, that can actually kill you. And their use of powerful psycholdelic drugs, that can cause dangerous episodes. And I love their belief that seeing a coyote is bad luck(worked with many a Navajo). They also dont respect nature, they go further. They whorship it. Paul warns against this corruption of the line between nature and God. True, Gods evidence of his creation is in all things, but you dont worship the creation, you worship the creator.
    Romans 1:25
    "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed and for ever."
    Common pagan tradition to do this. American Indans werent the first, and they wont be the last. Now once again, Im not damning them, just pointing it out. Im sure theres some wonderful Native Americans that are spiritual that actually dont believe that the coyote is a bad omen, or believe that they must ingest powerful drugs to become spiritually enlightened. Im sure they are friendly. Being friendly and in touch with nature isnt enough however. But both excellent qualities. Im sure David Koresh was also friendly to his people, and loved the grass.

  4. relmor2003 is offline
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    04-07-2009, 05:45 PM #134
    Quote Originally Posted by Demian View Post
    The benefits of having this off-topic intraday thread right next to the main intraday thread are very clear. It has cut down the off-topic posts in the main intraday thread by a huge margin. There are now like two thirds less posts in the main intraday thread - making it much more concise, timely, manageable and readable. People don't respond well to censorship and I think this is the best alternative for keeping the main intraday thread sane, while also preserving the sense of community and freedom that members of this board seem to want...

    While the off-topic thread has been getting more posts per day, the main intraday thread still gets more views. I'm sure all of those that aren't interested in sifting through a bunch of off-topic posts in the main intraday thread appreciate this...
    Coulndt agree more. Its handy right where it is. Not hurting anyone. When you can get a thread to get this many posts, why would you move it. Brandon, your thinking too much again...

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