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  1. imromo24 is offline
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    01-31-2009, 09:23 AM #11
    Quote Originally Posted by just sirius View Post

    1.Double your money + alittle extra
    2.Cover your initial investment and then play with the houses money
    3.Put a stop loss in place to avoid losing what you have made.
    Thanks, just sirius. I cleaned it up a little to help it stand out. I might print that on a clear sticker and tape it to my glasses to get me through the coming months...

  2. Sworntwofun is offline
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    01-31-2009, 09:31 AM #12
    Thanks again guys for your input and advise... It will be taken and applied...
    It would the greatest to watch Sirius soar while the rest of the economy goes to pot! That will show the bashers and Mel would be the Shining Star...

  3. sxminvestor is offline
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    01-31-2009, 12:20 PM #13
    Quote Originally Posted by jmm232 View Post

    I know that feeling well. I told myself that I was done buying at 10K shares until the shareholder meeting. Since the December meeting, I have added another 20K to bring my average way down. I think we get unjustly bashed because of the current price. Rightfully so. However, the company is resolving the debt situation and paying down debt. I have full confidence in February and May being taken care of. December is a ways off. IMO, they are making the right moves. The lifetime subs Sirius is taking in puts more cash in their pockets.

    If this stock were to jump over $1, I would have to sell off half. Pop to $2, have to sell off 1/4. At this point, it would be about pulling out most of the initial cost and riding the profits.

    Cmon Mel!! Shock and Awe!!
    Maybe I'm delusional, but I think maybe too much is made out of the actual stock price being at .12 cents meaning bankruptcy being a foregone conclusion, because of the float. A typical small cap company at about a 500M market cap would normally at least 10X less shares than Siri has right now, so based on the market cap they are in a very serious situation, but not priced as game over yet. The4Q CC coming in the next 10 days should clarify everything and it's either going to start climbing or poof...

  4. SiriuslyLong is offline
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    01-31-2009, 05:38 PM #14
    We're all nuts. I bought 20,000 three weeks ago. Like many, I've lost so much, what's an additional $2200? NOTHING.

    Now I read this, and I'm thinking what's another $2400 on top of what I've already lost. NOTHING.

    I must............ resist................... oh no................ I cannot..............yes, I can...........BUY, BUY, BUY, BUY

  5. trippingthespeculatingpos is offline
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    01-31-2009, 05:49 PM #15
    all you longs out their do me a favor, when u buy a stock and it starts losing value and appears to be losing more, sell it and wait for a bottom to buy back, you'll have more shares with the same money and wont be hurting so bad, hopefully lesson learned, sometimes you gotta take a loss to keep from losing it all. Not a condemnation just saying i feel bad and would hate too see you guys in this position again in the future, and hopefully i can learn from your mistakes and not be in that position in the future, cause i know it can happen to anybody.

  6. Sworntwofun is offline
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    01-31-2009, 05:56 PM #16
    So Now I confused....are you saying buy more or not!!!! Your right... I also have about $14140.00 in now and for another $1500 I would have 50,000 @ $15640 invested and my adv. would drop to .312 is it worth he additional risk... If there is any chance to getting back up to only a dollar....I would come up smelling like a rose.... but at this pps Im already just under $10,000 upside down....and Im not complaining because I relize there are many more of the older investers out there with much higher adv..

    I dont want to hear if you can afford to lose it....Nobody gets in or can afford to lose...but its all previous cash in out of pocket so it already sorta wrote off..(only in my mind)

    Ok Im Ready for the good and bad....Let me have it.....

  7. billhart22 is offline
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    01-31-2009, 06:09 PM #17
    Quote Originally Posted by just sirius View Post

    difficult question to answer. Depends on your finances, investing timeline, and whether or not you can still afford a case of PEPTO Bismal. If you can double your money + alittle extra...AS A-hole Cramer says Pigs get slaughtered. So take the cash and run. Or you could cover your initial investment and then play with the houses money...Or you could simply put a stop loss in place to avoid losing what you have made. Whatever you choose, put your plan in place and try to stick too it. As we all know now, we must have a plan or your really taking a chance with your hard earned cash.

    I currently have 60k shares ave of .75.. I will absolutely be pocketing my initial investment..then play with the house money on a tight leash. I would love to have to make this decision!!!

    Hope this helps.
    Just Sirius, you are a smart guy

  8. trippingthespeculatingpos is offline
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    01-31-2009, 06:15 PM #18
    right now ur pretty much in it for the long run no matter what sworntofun, all im saying is say you were one of the one's who bought 20,000 at 2 dollars a share, well when ur 40,000 was worth 20,000 you should of sold and accepted the loss or even sooner than losing half of it, if u still believed in siri as a product just didnt believe in their stock atm then you could keep an eye on it and watch it spiral down day by day which in this case ended up being 10 cent's and then put your money back into play. I know its easier said then done but it couldve been done by just admitting defeat and selling along time ago rather than holding, i mean even if u sold at 40 cents the money you would have from that would go a hell of alot further at 10 cents then pumping more money into it and trying to bring that avg down which we all know never comes far enough down :O Not saying you wont be able to pull it off if u avg down now and are willing to wait 2-3 years but in hindsight we all know what the better move was and im hoping you guys dont do the same next time u get stuck with a stock rapidly losing value even though its something you whole heartidly believe in, but like we all know hindsight is 20/20.

  9. Sworntwofun is offline
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    01-31-2009, 07:00 PM #19
    That really not the case....I only bought my first few hundred shares at 2.37 and starting adv down with goals like add 500 @ 2 and 500 at 1.49 then 1 then .75 then saterted hitting it hard at like 1000 @60 and 50 all the way down to 11 knowing the risk but buying out of pocket with the goal to go for broke...I never had a chance to sell yet....It has only had few little bumps where I compounded some shares...and even then my best day I only gained 600 35000 at .40 adv starting @ 2.37 I thought was pretty good....

  10. trippingthespeculatingpos is offline
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    01-31-2009, 07:33 PM #20
    think about it, all that money if u had stepped out and put it all in at 10-13 cents, how many shares would you have? You would be in a better position than avging down all the way. even if u had sold out at .60 you still would be in a better situation assuming you kept the money on the sidelines for siri. This should of been your move especially if u were expecting it to drop. Not saying what you did wont pay off but you would be in a better situation.

    "right now ur pretty much in it for the long run no matter what sworntofun, all im saying is say you were one of the one's who bought 20,000 at 2 dollars a share, well when ur 40,000 was"

    i can see how that can come off as me saying YOU where one of the one's but what i was really saying was - SAY if you where one of the one's which is hypothetical, i can see how it can be read wrong cause reading it back it looked that way too me. Anyway not attacking your strategy sworntwofun just something i would do in the future.
    Last edited by trippingthespeculatingpos; 01-31-2009 at 07:37 PM.

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